How to get accession number on NCBI and how to get their gene sequences?
Hi, everyone! I’m new to this world and im getting acquainted to Biopython..
On NCBI I did >> specie 1(organism) OR specie2(organism) OR specie3(organism) OR.. AND (gene1 OR gene2)
Which from that i donwloaded the accession numbers to a “accesslist”
I think i couldve also done this but it wouldve been to many names (i have about 700 species)
from Bio import Entrez = ""
search_term = "specie1[Orgn] AND gene1[gene]"
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", term=search_term, idtype="acc")
record =
idlist = record['IdList']
(I also dont know how to donwload a txt file with the accession list this way)
But then supposing I have the list with all the accession numbers how do i retrieve their sequences from the gene i specified??