ProcessMethylation450Data function of TCGA-Assembler causing subscript out of bound error
ProcessMethylation450Data function of TCGA-Assembler causing subscript out of bound error. However, if a take a little smaller subset of data, it is working fine.
list_methylation_450 <- ProcessMethylation450Data(inputFilePath = “./QuickStartExample/Part1_DownloadedData/TCGABRCA.txt”, outputFileName = paste(sCancer, “methylation_450”, sep = “__”), outputFileFolder = sPath2)
Loading data.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 16% done.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 31% done.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 46% done.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 61% done.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 76% done.
Process CpG sites corresponding to multiple genes, 91% done.
Error in [<-
, AddIndex, , value = TempAddDes) :
subscript out of bounds
Stuck up with this problem since last week. Looking forward d to assistance.