Given my background, what are my chances of being accepted into a PhD program at Harvard/MIT?

Forum:Given my background, what are my chances of being accepted into a PhD program at Harvard/MIT?


I am a Filip/ino. I really want to study at Harvard (first choice) or MIT (2nd choice) for my PhD. What are my chances of being accepted at Harvard or MIT for a PhD program related to Compu/tational Prot/eomics given my credentials?

  • First-generation college student
  • Graduated with honors at the number 1 university in the Philip/pines, with 2 full scholarships
  • Currently an M.S. in Pharma/ceutical Sciences at Kyoto University with a full scholarship (under MEXT) and studying under a very well-known principal investigator in the field of Com/putational Pro/teomics
  • Have 2 publications in high-impact journals.

Aside from the question above, what can I do to hedge my chances of getting accepted into Harvard? Can someone provide more insight on what the committee will be looking for in their international/foreign PhD applicants? Thank you!







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