Fred is the closest match to my family through 23andme. I thought he was
decended from Ebenezor who would be my great grandfather Ishmaels brother.
A Jane Devota from New Lothrup Michigan only a few miles from my home
town Chesaning is decended from Ebenezor also. Her mother was a Dupraw.
>> There is a group of about 15 of us who
> are part of a Google email group and we share genealogy information. Now,
> none of us have found a direct link to Jeremiah Davis and Charity Drew,
> but we are all somehow related to one of their 9 children.
> My 2x great grandparents were John Davis and Mary Ann Walters.
> Just recently I sent an email to the group asking if anyone had done
> AncestryDNA. I had gotten my results back and had made some interesting
> finds. This was part of the reply back from David Dankert,
> “I did the 23andme and submitted my moms dna. We have over 1000 matches
> …. Our closest match is Fred Krause whos gg grandfather was Ebenezor
> Davis Mirandis brother.”
> This is where it gets interesting. I just recently downloaded my
> AncestryDNA results to GEDMatch, and you are near the top of my list of
> “one to many“ results.
> cid:image0…@01CFDD5B.98EEE830
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