Survival analysis for a list of genes using TCGA data
Hi all,
I have a list of genes (around 300 genes) and I want survival analysis to find only significant genes. I am using TCGA RSEM normalized data in survival package using following command, but I’m not sure how to choose significant genes.
coxph(Surv(OS_MONTHS, Events) ~., data=merged_data [, c(2, 4:303)])
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
Gene1 0.07092 1.07349 0.05348 1.33 0.18
Gene2 0.02332 1.02360 0.05813 0.40 0.69
Gene3 0.00175 1.00175 0.06734 0.03 0.98
Gene n.....
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