How to divide participants into different groups based on genotype for several SNPs when some of the reference alleles are minor alleles
Hi everyone,
I have genotype data for 12 SNPs in over 100 healthy volunteers. I would like to divide the volunteers into three genotypic groups i.e. homozygous for minor allele, homozygous for the major allele (mostly the reference allele) and heterozygous and carry out a further study on these 3 groups to compare the pharmacokinetics of a drug after a single dose of the drug. The problem I have is that for 2 of the SNPs, rs622342 and rs316019, the reference allele is the minor allele. My intention was to have a group with participants having only the reference alleles as my reference group and compare it to the other 2 groups. Given that the 2 SNPs mentioned above have minor alleles as reference alleles, I am unable to have a group of volunteers with reference alleles as my control group. Would it be prudent for me to have 3 groups as follows without regard for the reference alleles, group 1: homozygous for minor allele, group 2: homozygous for the major allele, and group 3: heterozygous?
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