# Open AlphaFold database models for proteins larger than 1400 amino acids.
# These calculated in 1400 amino acid segments every 200 amino acids due to
# limitations (GPU memory) of the AlphaFold software. We load and align
# the segment models. This produces many clashes.
# Opening this Python in ChimeraX (version newer than August 2021 because it
# uses the new combine command) will register the "bigalpha" command.
# You need to have downloaded the human AlphaFold database models from
# https://alphafold.ebi.ac.uk/download
# Then ChimeraX commands to load the model of the protein Titin
# cd /directory/of/alphafold/models
# bigalpha Q8WZ42
def open_multifile_alphafold_model(session, uniprot_id = 'Q8WZ42', directory = '.',
combine = True, residues_per_file = 1400,
overlap = 200, align_span = 5):
# Allow multiple UniProt identifiers comma-separated.
if ',' in uniprot_id:
# Handle multiple uniprot ids
models = []
for uid in uniprot_id.split(','):
m = open_multifile_alphafold_model(session, uid, directory, combine,
residues_per_file, overlap)
return models
# Find the AlphaFold structure files for this UniProt identifier.
from os import listdir
all_filenames = listdir(directory)
filenames = [filename for filename in all_filenames
if filename.startswith('AF-%s' % uniprot_id)
and filename.endswith('.pdb.gz')]
nfiles = len(filenames)
print ('AlphaFold %s is split into %d mmCIF files' % (uniprot_id, nfiles))
# Cannot read compressed mmCIF directly
# filename="AF-%s-F%%d-model_v1.cif.gz" % uniprot_id
filename="AF-%s-F%%d-model_v1.pdb.gz" % uniprot_id
# Find the next available model number
model_id = max([m.id[0] for m in session.models], default = 0) + 1
# Open the overlapping component models.
models = []
fstep = (residues_per_file // overlap) - 1
for i in range(1,nfiles+1,fstep):
open_next_model(filename % i,
residues_per_file, overlap, align_span, models)
# Add last model which may overlap by a different number of residues.
if (nfiles-1) % fstep != 0:
last_overlap = overlap + overlap*(fstep - ((nfiles-1) % fstep))
open_next_model(filename % nfiles,
residues_per_file, last_overlap, align_span, models)
# Combine the segment models into one
model_ids="#" + ','.join(m.id_string for m in models)
from chimerax.core.commands import run
if combine:
# Combine into one model
copy = run(session, ('combine %s name %s modelId #%d close true'
% (model_ids, uniprot_id, model_id)))
models = [copy]
# TODO: Currently the combine command cannot preserve chain ids.
# Group models under a parent model
run(session, 'rename %s %s id #%d' % (model_ids, uniprot_id, model_id))
# Adjust lighting and center view.
run(session, 'light full')
run(session, 'view')
return models
def open_next_model(path, residues_per_file, overlap, align_span, models):
from chimerax.core.commands import run
model = run(session, 'open %s' % path)[0]
id = model.id_string
run(session, 'color bfactor #%s palette alphafold' % id)
run(session, 'hide #%s cartoon ; show #%s atoms ; style #%s sphere' % (id,id,id))
end_match="%d-%d" % (residues_per_file-5, residues_per_file-1) # 1395-1399
if models:
last_model = models[-1]
run(session, 'align #%s:%d-%d@CA to #%s:%s@CA'
% (model.id_string, overlap-align_span+1, overlap,
last_model.id_string, end_match))
run(session, 'delete #%s:1-%d' % (model.id_string, overlap))
def shift_residue_numbers(structures):
# First adjust residue numbers of each segment
rnext = 1
for i,m in enumerate(structures):
rnums = m.residues.numbers
rmax, rmin = rnums.max(), rnums.min()
m.residues.numbers += rnext - rmin
rnext += rmax-rmin+1
def register_command(session):
from chimerax.core.commands import CmdDesc, register, StringArg, OpenFolderNameArg, BoolArg
desc = CmdDesc(required=[('uniprot_id', StringArg)],
keyword=[('directory', OpenFolderNameArg),
('combine', BoolArg)],
synopsis="Open multifile AlphaFold model")
register('bigalpha', desc, open_multifile_alphafold_model, logger=session.logger)
Read more here: Source link