Why there are same name with different value in my microarray result?
I have done one color agilent microarray. I am processing my data, but my data showed one miRNA present in more than one place with different value.
Could someone please tell me what is the reason for this?
probeset.list <- topTable(CaseControl.fitmodel.eBayes, number=99999, adjust.method="BH", sort.by="P", lfc=1)
Row Col ControlType ProbeName SystematicName logFC
57521 378 16 0 A_54_P3055 mmu-miR-18b-5p -1.336475
56668 372 89 0 A_54_P00005073 mmu-miR-668-5p -1.304100
11303 74 140 0 A_54_P2311 mmu-miR-144-3p 1.605108
5503 36 146 0 A_54_P2158 mmu-miR-718 -1.488318
20927 137 155 0 A_54_P00006996 mmu-miR-7211-3p 1.352514
31262 205 119 0 A_54_P2312 mmu-miR-144-3p 1.911592
1731 12 33 0 A_54_P2312 mmu-miR-144-3p 1.528154
50175 329 156 0 A_54_P2312 mmu-miR-144-3p 1.358575
33518 220 106 0 A_54_P2311 mmu-miR-144-3p 1.471959
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