We seek a highly motivated and interactive bioinformatician to take a leading role in a Royal Society-funded project entitled “Evolutionary origin of ammonia oxidation”. The position is funded for 6 months.
The central aim of this project is to elucidate the physiological and evolutionary mechanisms by which microbial symbionts co-evolved with their sponge hosts. This project will employ cutting-edge comparative genomics methodologies to analyse novel archaeal genomes and these data will be integrated to already existing genomes to test several hypotheses regarding the physiological mechanisms, the evolutionary timescale and the environmental selective pressures associated with evolution of symbiosis. Reconstruction of these mechanisms will use similar approaches to those applied in Sheridan et al., 2020, Nature Communication. In addition, coevolutionary analysis of symbionts and hosts will also be analysed through amplicon sequencing analysis and phylogenetic reconstructions.
All bioinformatics tools have been previously developed and used in the research group, facilitating the training of the post-holder. Nonetheless, some competencies in linux and R programming as well as an strong interest in microbial ecology and evolution are required for this role. We are looking for a highly-motivated researcher.
The post-holder will be responsible for the planning and execution of the research programme and will ideally have expertise in genomics assembly and annotation and an interest in evolutionary concepts and theory. The ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic team-worker and collaborative scientist, with interests in linking genomics-based and evolutionary theory.
We are seeking to appoint a Research Assistant who has completed a MSc in bioinformatics or related field.
The Research Assistant will be based in the research group of Dr Cécile Gubry-Rangin at the University of Aberdeen, which have acknowledged expertise in microbial and evolutionary ecology, microbial genomics, experimental microbiology and ancestral phylogenomic reconstructions.
Salary will be paid on the Grade 5 scale (£28,756 per annum), with placement according to qualifications and experience.
Informal enquiries should be made to Dr Cécile Gubry-Rangin, Head of laboratory, e-mail: c.rangin@abdn.ac.uk
This post does not meet the minimum requirements as issued by UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) to qualify for an employer-sponsored visa. We are therefore unable to consider applications from candidates for this post who require sponsorship to work in the UK.
To apply online for this position visit www.abdn.ac.uk/jobs
Job Reference Number: SBS103R
The closing date for the receipt of applications is 6th October 2021
The School of Biological Sciences embraces a diverse working environment and recognises the many benefits this can bring. Applications from individuals from across all of the equality protected characteristics are encouraged.
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