How to load output from the kegg API in biopython into a pandas dataframe?

solution from @sören:

I came up with this solution for my problem:

from Bio.KEGG import REST as kegg

def _get_kegg(kegg_id):
    kegg_output = kegg.kegg_get(kegg_id).read()
    results = {}
    for line in kegg_output.split('n'):
        splits = line.split()
        if not line.startswith(' '):    
            if len(splits) > 0:
                key = splits[0]
                value=" ".join(splits[1:])
                results[key] = value
            results[key] += ' '.join(splits)
    return pd.DataFrame(results, index=[kegg_id])

_get_kegg_v = np.vectorize(_get_kegg)

def get_kegg_info(kegg_ids):
    if isinstance(kegg_ids, str):
        kegg_ids = [kegg_ids]
    return pd.concat(_get_kegg_v(kegg_ids), sort=False)

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