Tag: ggplot
2024 Ggplot axis labels
Plot Titles, Axes and Legend Titles. One way to modify plot titles, axes and legend titles is through the labs() function in ggplot2.In order to add math notation to those labels, we can use the expression() function to specify the label text. For example, if we wanted to modify the…
r – ggplot2 legend not appearing
The @benson23 answer is correct, if you want more control you can use manual scales for different aesthetics. If you use linetype in aes instead of fill, you will get a legend as above, if you like that more. library(tidyverse) df <- tribble( ~ tree, ~ o18, “A”, 15, “A”,…
Create Box Plots in R using Plotly and ggplot2: Step-by-Step
Box Plots Using plotly library(plotly) # data sample data <- c(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) plot_ly(y = data, type = “box”) This code creates a box plot of the data provided in the data variable. You can further customize the…
Unveiling Roman Amphitheaters with a ggplot2 violin plot
[This article was first published on coding-the-past, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here) Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don’t. 1. What is a violin plot? A violin…
Adonis2 inR
Adonis2 inR 0 When I plot my data set in ggplot, I get next to no separation of groups, yet when I run it with Adonis2, I get a p<0.05. What am I doing wrong? I did it before some time ago with a different data set. The difference now…
ggplot2 – Make more room for lables in ggplot in r
Is there a way to have this plot squeezed a little so labels of extreme cases (A and G) have could show up completely. code: x <- LETTERS[1:11] y <- c(9, 4, 6, 8, 5, 7, -9, -4, -6, -8, -5) z <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.2) dat <-…
r – How can I change position x-axis ticks in ggplot of regression
Having completed my regression equation and F-statistic I have been able to plot a regression curve with confidence limits through my set of data points which I am happy with. My x variable is number of days from start of observations which runs for exactly one year (17 Jan 2009…
r – Log Scale on Reverse Cumulative Distribution Plot in ggplot2
There’s a couple of ways to do this. You could simply log manually and inverse transform the labels in scale_y_continuous rnorm(64) %>% tibble(kbps = .) %>% ggplot() + stat_ecdf(aes(x = kbps, y = log10(1 – after_stat(y))), pad = FALSE) + scale_y_continuous(‘1 – cdf (log scale)’, breaks = seq(-3, 0), labels…
r – Clustered standard error bars for two-way bar chart in ggplot
I am looking for help with code for adding clustered standard errors to a two-way bar chart generated using ggplot. All of the packages I find are for regression results. I have data in which 1200 respondents each rated 10 profiles (n=12,000). I want to plot the means (Y) by…
r – Percent stacked barchart failed in ggplot2
While we don’t have your data, the issue is that you map a factor or character (aka SmokeType) on the y aesthetic, which when used with geom_col gives weird charts and axes scales which is evident from both of your plots. From your charts and code you want a barchart…
r – Move positioning of x axis labels in ggplot without hjust or vjust
Using some sample data from BLS below, I’m trying to make a faceted plot of spending categories by income bracket. Because some of the label names are long, I have them rotated 90 degrees. I have been using hjust and vjust to move around the labels a bit, but I…
Adding New Inputs to a Chart of Monthly Operating Profits – tidyverse
I pulled some data from Fama French web site on operating data by month…here is my code that works (below). I have 7 columns of data, with headers, including Date. I have successfully graphed one column data, but I would like to add several of the other columns of data…
ggplot2 – Overlaying a background with hexagonal points on ggplot r
I’m desperately trying to add inventory data (available online, as in this reproducible example below) in ggplot with a background of France, so that I can visualize the areas where there are no records of my species. However, I want to do it with hexagons and not points. So, I…
ggplot2 – Manipulating axes/display for line chart in R
This question already has answers here: Closed 12 hours ago. I am fairly new to R and working on a practice case study to sharpen my skills. I’m running into issues with the line chart visualization for this data. I need to display monthly data, but I would like to…
r – Maintaining Factor Order in ggplot
I am attempting to combine two data sets and chart types into a single ggplot. I want to plot the main data in a line/connected dot plot (two observations of the same kind within each of 5 categories), and a set of n random observations in a 6th category as…
r – Changing Title of Legend in ggplot2 Creates a Second Legend?
I am pretty new to R/working with data and am trying to change the title of the legend in a visualization I made. I have tried using fill= in the labels() function I have but it adds another legend for some reason. I have looked around for a solution and…
ggplot2 – Can I do a stack ggplot in R without adding the stacks?
I want to make a stack bargraph, but I don’t want the same group values to sum, I just want them to stack. For example, if I have this dataset: data <- data.frame( col1 = c(“A”, “A”, “B”, “B”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “D”, “D”), col2 = c(5, 7, 1, 5,…
r – How to add a title on the center-left of the plot in ggplot2?
As a very late contribution to TidyTuesday challenge of Bob Ross’s Paintings, I have tried to plot 10 paintings of Bob Ross. Without further background, here is my code; library(tidyverse) library(showtext) library(showtextdb) library(ggthemes) library(ggtext) library(magick) library(ggimage) library(cropcircles) library(cowplot) library(patchwork) font_add_google(“Lora”, bold.wt = 700, family = “plottitle”) font_add_google(“Roboto Slab”, family =…
r – I cannot define my color palette for different groups in ggplot for geom_point
I have the following script for 5 particles doing Brownian motion which will NOT output groups by color. I can do this well enough using base R, but I am trying to get a handle on ggplot. Simple script for 5 individual particles performing 10 Brownian steps (the correctness of…
ggplot2 – Changing legend title in ggpattern R
You have both the fill and the pattern aesthetic mapped to the same variable, so you can combine the legends simply by giving these aesthetics the same names. You didn’t include kata_difilter or ftj in your question, so the plot is not fully reproducible, but I have recreated a modified…
r – Aes ggplot categorize by color not filling the whole barplot
This question already has an answer here: Closed 4 hours ago. I have been looking for the solution online but I cant get the suitable one. So here is my data: tag Center n n_tag persen 1 lisan я 103 2142 0.048085901 2 medrus я 11 2588 0.004250386 3 medsos…
r – Keeping unused levels in ggplot2 bar plot does not work properly
R version 4.3.1 library(ggplot2) version 3.4.2 I want to use ggplot2 bar charts to display the percentage frequency of a particular concentration class. I have five concentration classes (=c1 with the options “1_”, “2_”, “3_”, “4_”, “5_”) for which an event can occur “Early” (=c2 dichotomous with “yes” or “no”)…
r – ggplot2 – How to plot column with multiple dtypes?
I am trying to plot some data relating to carbon storage using ggplot2 in R. I am able to plot each data feature against the target variable ‘carbon’, but when I do so there are so many ticks on the x axis that the numbers become illegible. The issue lies…
r – ggplot2 stacked bar chart with total proportions for the heights of bars and fill as proportion of each species
This code makes a bar plot that displays the proportion of fish with ingested microplastics across several 5-year bins. I also want it to display the proportion of each species by stacking different colors. My problem with the plot produced with this code is that it adds up the proportions…
ggplot2 – Annotate works in R but not in RStudio
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. I am trying to annotate a ggplot point and line graph. It works in…
Diagram tool
Diagram tool 1 How can I make a diagram like this image using Python or R for 10 sets? Which tools should I use? Python Diagram R • 176 views • link updated 7 hours ago by Sajad ▴ 30 • written 11 hours ago by a3532321 • 0 That…
ggplot2 – R ggplot: add a regression line with a fraction of the data, defined by a condition on a different column on the source dataframe
Say we have this dataframe: one<- rep(c(“a”,”b”,”c”),each=5) two <-(1:15) three<-c(1,2,3,4, 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, 3,6,9,12) df<-data.frame(one,two,three) and we create a scatter plot: ggplot(df, aes(x=two, y=three)) + geom_point() And say we suspect that there is some hidden information in the scatterplot that would become clear if we overlay three regression lines on the scatter…
7.15.7 GGPlot Exercise 7 – Dodona
Opgepast! Je bekijkt deze oefening binnen een cursus waar je geen lid van bent. Je zult niet verschijnen op de puntenlijst van de lesgever tot je bent geregistreerd. Opgepast! Het lijkt erop dat je Dodona gebruikt binnen een andere webpagina waardoor mogelijk niet alles goed werkt. Laat dit weten aan…
r – Changing font for a specific symbol in ggplot
I intended to use a specific font with ggplot, which I’ve been able to achieve with the showtext package since I could only find the font in .otf format. However, I realised the new font does not include the euro symbol (€). Therefore, when I change the font in ggplot,…
r – Automatically detect discrete or continuous palette in custom ggplot2
I would leave room for extending your package here by getting scale_color_ipea to create an S3 class object, and then define a ggplot_add method. This mechanism allows you to interrogate the plot object to fully automate the selection of discrete or continuous scales based on the data type. scale_color_ipea <-…
r – Saving ggplot objects for use on different datasets
We all know we can do p <- ggplot(data) p + aes(x = funny_hat) + geom_histogram() But I’ve never seen documentation of the opposite case. Say I want to store a bunch of ggplot objects, e.g.: geom_boxplot() + stat_compare_means(method = “anova”, size = 14, vjust = 1) + scale_y_continuous(breaks =…
r – How to format axis date_time label in `ggplot2`?
I am trying to plot a time series, and notice that the date_time label for the x-axis is not formatting as expected. library(ggplot2) My_df = data.frame(My_datetime = seq(from = as.POSIXct(“2019-05-21 8:00:00”), to = as.POSIXct(“2019-05-22 23:00:00”), by = “10 min”), My_data = sin(1:235)) ggplot(data = My_df) + geom_line(aes(x = My_datetime, y…
ggplot2 – How to make a percentage plot histogram in R / ggplot
Suppose your data looks something like this: set.seed(2) df <- data.frame(SBP = sample(101:199, 1000, TRUE)) df$survived <- c(‘yes’, ‘no’)[rbinom(1000, 1, (df$SBP – 100)/200) + 1] head(df) #> SBP survived #> 1 185 no #> 2 179 yes #> 3 170 no #> 4 106 yes #> 5 132 yes #>…
r – Setting edge of ggplot plot
Is there a way to set the edge of a ggplot bar chart to a particular axis value? So, for the example below, I would like the right hand edge of the plot to be at 0.4, thus cutting off the “virginica” bar. library(ggplot2) data(“iris”) df <-“iris”)) ggplot(data =…
r – Annotate a scatterplot with a text label representing the counts in the data passed through ggplot
Here is one option to achieve your desired result using stat_summary and a custom function to be passed to the argument. Besides computing the desired stats the function also adds some additional columns including the labels, the vertical alignment and the y label position. Additionally, besides using after_stat note…
r – Add colour scale to axis of ggplot
Sure could this be achieved but I don’t know of any easy and general approach and hence at least for the approach below it requires some fiddling to position the legend and to set the height of the colorbar. Note that all these values are also dependent on the size…
Solved write R code using ggplot or the ggraph library using
write R code using ggplot or the ggraph library using these variables to create a heatmap Class ‘igraph’ hidden list of 10 $ : num 28 $ : logi FALSE $ : num [ 1 : 344 ] 21 21 21 21 21 21…
rstudio – Embedding Charts and Tables in Word Documents: Dynamic Content Replacement and Graphic Centering
I’m looking for a way to insert charts and tables into a Word document that already has headers and titles in place. My plan is to replace specific words within the document, such as “Graph1” and “Table1,” with the actual charts and tables. I would appreciate any suggestions on how…
stat_quant_band function – RDocumentation
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() + stat_quant_band() # If you need the fitting to be done along the y-axis set the orientation ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() + stat_quant_band(orientation = “y”) ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() + stat_quant_band(formula = y ~ x) ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point() + stat_quant_band(formula =…
ggplot2 – Avoid overlapping labels using ggplot
I am trying to create a trend plot using a variable that represents 12 different groups which has 12 trend lines but I want to put a label at the end so that its clear which line represents which group but I get this error: ggrepel: 11655 unlabeled data points…
r – Keeps changing > to + when trying to do ggplot
I am attempting to just do a simple bar graph where X axis is site # (1-30) and y axis is the change in abundance across a time period. I took a very beginner stats class a couple years back and am editing the functions, hoping they reproduce, but they…
ggplot2 – Editing or adding stat-summary lines to individual panels in facet-wrap r-studio
I would like some help please with a question about facet_wrap in R Here is some example data library(tidyverse) score <- c(6,5,3,2,2,1,4,5,3,4,5,4,3,2,2,2,4,6) time <- c(1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) set <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3) ID <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9) df <- data.frame(score, time, set, ID) plot <- ggplot(df, aes(x = time, y = score, group = ID)) +…
facet grid – ggplot facet_grid: need lines between outside strip placement and panels
I am using facet_grid to create a plot with one column and multiple rows, with an outside strip placement to the left of the y-axis tick mark labels. I would like to enclose the y-axis tick mark labels such that each facet strip label is cleanly attached to its associated…
Legends (ggplot2)
Problem You want to modify the legend of a graph made with ggplot2. Solution Start with an example graph with the default options: library(ggplot2) bp <- ggplot(data=PlantGrowth, aes(x=group, y=weight, fill=group)) + geom_boxplot() bp Removing the legend Use guides(fill=FALSE), replacing fill with the desired aesthetic. You can also remove all the…
ggplot2 – Adding a box around a caption in R
One option would be to switch to ggtext::element_markdown which has a lot more options than element_text and allows to for an outline: library(ggplot2) library(ggtext) df <-“iris”)) ggplot(data = iris, aes(x = Species, y = Petal.Width)) + geom_bar(stat = “identity”, position = “identity”) + labs(caption = “Add box around me”)…
r – Problem with significance test using stat_signif() coupled with a ggplot2 boxplot
I am attempting to produce a boxplot with the results of a significance text, ideally with Student’s test and/or a Wilcoxon’s test comparing two groups of concentrations between two different auto-analysers. If I run the following code (Note the code does not include the input statements for the datafiles but…
Exploring Income Disparities in Public Transport Usage: Pie
Cristina Ageitos, Aleix Benavente, Luna Campos, Alex Espelt, Maria Sirera R-SCRIPT #COMMANDS ON THE FINAL PROJECT: “Income disparities in public transport usage” #Its structure follows the structure of the written project #The data used for each test corresponds to the one added in the document, with the title “Data used”,…
Google Data Analytics-Study Case 1:RStudio & Tableu | by Assyifa Nur Aziza | Dec, 2023
Recently, I completed Google Data Analytics Professional by Coursera. The course is challenging and exciting at the same time. However, it is worth studying. The course consists of 8 chapters, and at the end of the chapter, there are several case studies to solve. This article will consist of a…
Plot Vertical Profiles in R with ggplot2
# SCRIPT: VerticalProfilePlotter.R # # This script is designed to plot vertical profiles of parameters provided in a data file. The parameters include # Depth (m), Temperature (oC), Chlorophyll (micrograms per L), and Light (%). The script utilizes the ggplot2 package # for creating the plots. The data file should…
ggplot2 – Should I update my ggplot code in R version 4.3.1?
I made code for a boxplot in R version 3.6.1: ggplot(Data_Addi, aes(x=as.factor(Sex), y=DEFS_SF, fill=as.factor(Diagnosis_Addison_Recoded))) + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA, color=”black”) + geom_jitter(position=position_jitterdodge(),show.legend = FALSE) + theme_bw(base_size = 25) + scale_x_discrete(name=””, breaks=c(“1”, “2”),labels=c(“Females”, “Males”)) + scale_fill_manual(name=”Diagnostic Group”, breaks=c(“1”, “2”), labels=c(“Addison”,”Control”), values=c(“white”, “grey”)) + labs(title=”Executive function total”, x=”Sex”, y=”BDEFS-SF Total Score”) This gave the following…
r – looping over several columns to create ggplots
You must adapt the function to have the column names as argument, not the column vectors. The code comments explain how it is made. Then loop over names(df2). suppressPackageStartupMessages( library(tidyverse) ) # Create Vectors var1 <- c(‘A’,’A’,’B’,’B’) var2 <- c(1,2,2,1) var3 <- c(‘sam’,’sam’,’saul’,’saul’) # Create DataFrame df <- data.frame(var1,var2,var3) #…
Vertical Profile Plotter in R using ggplot2
# SCRIPT: VerticalProfilePlotter.R # # This script contains a function that plots vertical profiles of parameters provided as input. # The parameters include Depth, Temperature, Chlorophyll, and Light. The function utilizes the # ggplot2 package for creating the plots. # Required Packages: # – ggplot2: A data visualization package in…
Wrangling And Analyzing Data In RStudio
Article Summary Box Efficient data preparation in RStudio hinges on automated data cleaning techniques, significantly reducing manual errors and streamlining the initial stages of analysis. Vectorized operations and the apply() family functions in RStudio dramatically enhance data manipulation efficiency, especially for large datasets. Utilizing multiple linear regression and PCA in…
A transcriptomic taxonomy of mouse brain-wide spinal projecting neurons
Animals All experimental procedures were performed in compliance with animal protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Boston Children’s Hospital (Protocol no. 20-05-4165 R). Mice were provided with food and water ad libitum, housed on a 12-hour light/dark schedule (7 a.m.–7 p.m. light period) with no more than five mice…
Confusion with passing reactive input to ggplot –
Dear all, I’m trying to create an app that uses heirarchical dropdown menus to select infput for ggplot.The error lies in the “best_sellers” tab where the user first selects a category to filter by and then and sub category . I then pass these variables to ggplot and am getting…
Histogram in ggplot2
Histogram in ggplot2 1 I’m willing to do a histogram with boxplot bar in ggplot2. I already have a well functioning code for a jitter graph, which give me colors for each variable. ggplot(Raiz, aes(x = G, y = T, color = c(‘WT’, ‘at5g01950’)[2 – (as.numeric(G) %% 2)])) + geom_jitter(position…
How to put spaces between bars in ggplot2 barplot
How to put spaces between bars in ggplot2 barplot 2 Hi, I want to put spaces between each pair of bars in my barplot. This is my code ggplot(Germ, aes(x = G, y = T, color = c(‘WT’, ‘at5g01950’)[2 – (as.numeric(G) %% 2)])) + geom_bar(position=”dodge”, stat=”identity”) + geom_boxplot(width = 0.5,…
r – Right coloring for barplot ggplot2
I want to make the barplot columns fillet by the red and blue, not the gray. This is my code ggplot(Germ, aes(x = G, y = T, color = c(‘WT’, ‘at5g01950’)[2 – (as.numeric(G) %% 2)])) + geom_bar(position=”dodge”, stat=”identity”) + geom_boxplot(width = 0.5, color = “black”, alpha = 0.2, position =…
Legend is not shown using ggplot2 – General
Hello, I’m new using RStudio. I’m trying to show the distribution of temperature values (min,max and mean) in a graphic, my database is called ‘datos_diarios’ and I already imported the library, but it doesn’t seem to work with this code…It also shows the values on the X axis way too…
Plot and table in R-studio
I want to make a model and plot that shows how long it takes for salmon lice to lay eggs and how the time differ between wild and farmed salmon lices. Then I want to make a table or paragraph that uses the plot. I tried to use Phind to…
Learn Statistical Plots with ggplot2: Lesson 5 Study Notes and
Sindy Saintclair Thursday, December 16, 2021 Lesson 5 – Statistical Plots LearningObjectives and Questions Notes and Answers Installing andUsing PackagesArgumentNamesWhat is ggplot2? R has many different systems to create plots of data; the two most popular ones areR Base Graphics and a system calledggplot2.R Base Graphics is built into R;…
How to addapt this code for a histogram in ggplot2
I’m willing to do a histogram with boxplot bar in ggplot2. I already have a well functioning code for a jitter graph, which give me colors for each variable. ggplot(Raiz, aes(x = G, y = T, color = c(‘WT’, ‘at5g01950’)[2 – (as.numeric(G) %% 2)])) + geom_jitter(position = position_jitter(width = 0.2),…
Connect Points in Plot using ggplot
# Program to connect points in a plot using ggplot # Load the required library library(ggplot2) # Define a function to connect points in a plot connect_points <- function(x, y) { tryCatch({ # Create a data frame with x and y coordinates data <- data.frame(x = x, y = y)…
Convert Bar Graph to Line Chart using ggplot in R
# Program to Convert Bar Graph to Line Chart using ggplot # Load the required library library(ggplot2) # Function to convert bar graph to line chart convert_bar_to_line <- function(data, x, y) { # Check if the input data is a data frame if (! { stop(“Input data must be a…
Loading R Packages In RStudio: A Step-By-Step Approach
Article Summary Box Preparing RStudio for package management is pivotal, involving setting up workspace directories and ensuring R version compatibility for optimal package functionality. In Understanding Package Libraries, the intricacies of library paths and package storage locations reveal strategies for streamlined package accessibility and organization. Advanced Techniques for Package Loading…
ggplot2 – Graph only showing part of the results in R
I am working with data regarding dogs up for adoption in Washington and Oregon and wanted to see if the gender of the dogs has anything to do with their ability to be adopted. dput(dd_clean_df[1:10, ]) top_gender_breeds <- dd_clean_df %>% group_by(contact_state, breed_primary, sex) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% arrange(contact_state, desc(count))…
r – Scatter Plot Manipulation: restricting data within a time frame and checking how many events happened
I’m working on a project and have a scatterplot with Y axis as numerical ekg reading and X axis as the dates those reading were taken. My next step is to look at the data to within 1 year of pacemaker insertion and check if we have enough reading within…
ggplot2 – How do I add p.adj values from a DESeq2 experiment to a bar graph plot in R?
I’ve conducted a DESeq2 analysis on a large volume of data and I’m trying to make box plots that compare the counts of specific genes, which are sorted into 2 groups, and include statistical significance. Using the plotCounts() function works fine, but I’m struggling to add the p.adj values calculated…
r – ggplot2 plot using wesanderson – Continuous value supplied to a discrete scale error
I have this code with dataframe that contain 20 cty groups. I wish to plot/assign to each specific cty value a color based on Wes Anderson color palettes (packages(“wesanderson”). Code: library(ggplot2) library(wesanderson) df <- mpg[, c(“displ”,”cyl”, “cty”, “hwy” )] df[-222,] pal <- wes_palette(20, name = “Zissou1”, type = “continuous”) ggplot(df,…
r – How to fit “Negative Binomial” Distribution on a histogram using ggplot2()?
I am working with a dataset that I believe follows a “Negative Binomial” distribution. However, when I fit the Negative Binomial distribution, it turns out to be a poor fit. To explore further, I simulated a Negative Binomial distribution, but even on the simulated data, the overlaying distribution does not…
Regression Notes.docx – advert summary .SD .SDcols=c ‘google adwords’ ‘facebook’ ‘twitter’ gives stats for 3 metrics. It is in order – Min 1st Qu.
advert[,summary(.SD),.SDcols=c(‘google_adwords’,’facebook’,’twitter’)]gives stats for 3 metrics. It is in order – Min 1stQu. Median Mean 3rdQu Max. You can check these individually using these codes: summary(advert$google_adwords) If mean and median are same then data is normally distributed View The Numeric Distributions: Creating 3 box plots side by side, we need a…
r – which() equivalent inside ggplot2
Let’s use the mtcars df and say we want to plot gseq density by cyl group (I don’t know what these things mean). I could use: ggplot(mtcars, aes(x=qsec, group=cyl, fill=as.factor(cyl))) + geom_density(adjust=1.5, alpha=.6, col= “black”) + theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = “black”))…
Writing R Scripts In RStudio: A Step-By-Step Approach
Article Summary Box Mastering the RStudio interface goes beyond basic navigation, involving strategic use of panes and shortcuts to streamline the coding process. Effective script organization significantly impacts readability and maintenance, emphasizing the role of modular structuring and clear documentation. In debugging and error handling, advanced techniques like conditional breakpoints…
Create Boxplot with Summary Statistics using ggplot in R
Cancel Oops, something went wrong. Please try again in a few minutes. # This function creates a boxplot with a table of summary statistics using ggplot. # # PARAMETERS: # – data: A data frame containing the data to be plotted. # # – x: A character string specifying the…
r – Creating a `ggplot2` plot with distinct length scales for different x axis segments
I want to create a ggplot2 plot with multiple geom_rect objects. For now, I’m trying to create a plot with two geom_rect objects. I need segments of the x axis to be one of two “scales”. For example, the physical length between 0 and ten on the x axis might…
r – Adjust plot.background margin in ggplot
My plot background is much larger than the plot and I can’t figure out how to reduce it. I have hacked a way to bring the title closer to the plot, but there is still a large space below the plot. This causes issues when I use cowplot to place…
Methylation Analysis Tutorial in R_part1
The code and approaches that I share here are those I am using to analyze TCGA methylation data. At the bottom of the page, you can find references used to make this tutorial. If you are coming from a computer background, please bear with a geneticist who tried to code…
How to add TukeyHSD test results on a ggplot ? – tidyverse
Hi everybody, I’m trying to add brackets to show the p-values I obtained with a Tukey HSD test to show comparisons between each genotype in both levels of my treatment factor (e.g., comparing pks4-2 in DMSO and pks4-2 in NPA). I have looked online at the ggpubr package, but i…
How to use RStudio
Article Summary Box Customizing the RStudio Environment significantly boosts productivity, with options like project-specific settings and theme personalization enhancing the user experience. Advanced ggplot2 Techniques in data visualization offer a blend of aesthetics and functionality, enabling the creation of visually striking and informative plots. Efficient Data Management strategies in RStudio,…
Solved You are interested in understanding more about the
You are interested in understanding more about the relationship between the age of a car and it’s value so that you can establish the right price to offer your customers. Create a scatterplot of value against. Add linear regression line without confidence intervals to the plot. A sample of the…
r – ggplot plots in scripts do not display in Rstudio
The solution is to explicitly call print() on ggplot object: library(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(wt, mpg)) p <- p + geom_point() print(p) ggplot function returns object of class ggplot; ggplot2 works by overloading print function to behave differently on objects of class ggplot – instead of printing them to STDOUT,…
ggplot2 – How to get the label positioned correctly in R?
You can make the same plot with a fixed x axis as follows: library(ggplot2) library(ggtext) data.frame(word = rep(c(‘<i>Criptosporidium<br>parvum</i>’, ‘CSPV1’, ‘CSPV1 TLR3’), each = 2), n= c(69300,4858, 145, 6, 11, 0), Database = rep(c(‘Google Scholar’, ‘PubMed’), 3), check.names = FALSE) |> ggplot(aes(word, n)) + geom_col(aes(fill = Database), position = ‘dodge’) +…
r – Having trouble getting stat_pvalue_manual to facet across my ggplot
I’d like to make a facetted plot, with the p-values from my emmeans() table added using stat_pvalue_manual(). However, I can’t seem to get them to facet. Any help would be very welcome! Here is some demo data: demo_data <- structure(list(tissue = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,…
r – Preserving box plot whiskers when mixing box and violin plots in {ggplot2}
Preamble Let’s say I have a function that allows users to create a boxviolin plot where box and violin plots are superposed. library(ggplot2) df <- dplyr::filter(mpg, class %in% c(“compact”, “midsize”)) p1 <- ggplot(df, aes(class, hwy)) + geom_violin() + geom_boxplot() p1 I also want to allow users to remove the violin…
ggplot2 – Error knitting from R Markdown ggplot – unexpected special character that doesn’t exist
I’m getting an error when I try to knit my .Rmd file. The code itself runs fine inside the file; the error only occurs when I try to knit. Quitting from lines 103-118 [unnamed-chunk-4] (Lab-14.Rmd) Warning messages: 1: In eng_r(options) : Failed to tidy R code in chunk ‘unnamed-chunk-2’. Reason:…
r – How to keep ggplot x axis order when plotting with colour?
This question already has answers here: Closed 26 mins ago. Given a matrix mat with a column “rplau”, how to ensure ggplot keeps the same order as the factors / colour are considered as string? For instance, when plotting, I’d like 928:1852 to follow after 1:927. How to do that?…
r – Why is my graph in Rstudio not plotting any of the negative points?
checksData <- c_checkgvt_idea year <- c(“1988”, “1989”, “1990”, “1991”, “1992”, “1993”, “1994”, “1995”, “1996”, “1997”, “1998”, “1999”, “2000”, “2001”, “2002”, “2003”) goodChecksData <- gather(checksData, key = “Time”, value = “Checks”, -country) timeChecksData <- subset(goodChecksData, Time %in% year) PeruChecksData <- subset(timeChecksData, country %in% “Peru”) finalChecksData <- data.frame(PeruChecksData) ggplot(finalChecksData, aes(Time, as.numeric(Checks))) +…
ggplot2 – “Wrapping” heatmap columns in R using ggplot
I’m working on creating a heatmap of objects in a shelving unit using RStudio. The way the shelving is configured IRL is one column is shelves #1-8 from top to bottom, next column is shelves #9-16 top to bottom, and so on, for 54 total shelving units, repeated for 6…
ggplot2 – How to create a stacked AND grouped barplot on RStudio
I am a beginner on R and I’ve tried and failed to create a stacked AND grouped barplot on RStudio. I managed to create grouped or stacked barplot as the basic barplot presented here with ggplot2 (, but I would like to have my 3 factors on the same graph,…
analysis Ali updated .Rmd – -title: Analysis author: Group 3 – DANA-4800-001 Fall 2022 date: 2022-11-17 output: html document -# Read
zone_property_freq “` “`{r} ggplot(data=zone_property_freq, aes(x=Var1, y=Freq)) + geom_col() “` Too many levels! factors() “`{r} subset(zone_property_freq, grepl(“CD-1”, Var1)) “` “`{r} cd1_sum <- sum(subset(zone_property_freq, grepl(“CD-1”, Var1))$Freq) cd1_sum “` “`{r} subset(zone_property_freq, !grepl(“CD-1”, Var1)) “` “`{r} zone_agg_list = c( “^BCPED”, “^C-“, “^CD-1”, “^CWD”, “^DD”, “^DEOD”, “^FC-“, “^FCCDD”, “^FM-“, “^FSHCA”, “^HA-“, “^I-“, “^IC-“, “^M-“, “^MC-“,…
r – GGplot graph changes when used with plotly
I’m trying to make my GGplot interactive with plotly but the graphs change completely given the following code. Any advice on where I may be going wrong is highly appreciated. I have tried to follow some previous posts on this topic but nothing seems to be helping. I have attached…
Making ggplots Persistent: Save as .rds in R Markdown | by David Techwell | DataFrontiers | Dec, 2023
Discover how to effortlessly save ggplots from your R Markdown documents as .rds files — a simple guide for effective plotting. How to Save ggplots as .rds in R Markdown Saving ggplots as .rds files in R Markdown can sound tricky, but it’s actually a breeze. Let me walk you…
r – Use patchwork to create a facet grid with strips
Well, that’s not about which function to use. (: To get a facet_grid like look using patchwork requires that you write yourself a custom function to manipulate your ggplot objects before passing them to wrap_plots. To this end I first added a column containing the numeric position in the patch….
r – How to perform t test and plot p-values for comparison between groups on a grouped boxplot (ggplot)?
I have a data frame, as shown below: > dput(filtered_lymph) structure(list(cluster = c(“CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”,…
ggplot2 – Finding the middle of the y axis in a ggplot with facets and free scales
I have a facetted density plot with free scales, to which I would like to overlay a geom_pointrange to represent the summary of the distribution. However, I’d like this point to be fixed in the middle of my y axis for each facets (with the x varying according to the…
r – How to make a forest plot with a table for CI and ORs with ggplot?
I am creating a forest plot adapting a script I found online. However, my variable labels and data do not fit the space given to the plot on the left after joining the plot in the middle. The current script gives the following plot: Current plot library(tidyverse) library(gt) setwd (“C:/~Forest…
r – Ggplot: two y-axes for multiple lines
This question already has answers here: Closed 4 hours ago. Similar questions have been asked multiple times so far and I did try some things that I found online, but so far I could not find what I was looking for. I have two variables: evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture…
Two ways of adding arrows – tidyverse
Can someone school me on the best way to add arrows to ggplot? I have a little reprex below in which I draw an arrow. The first method is copied from Statology. The second method is from the R Graphics Cookbook. The former seems a little easier. The latter, well,…
r – Adding a second x-axis label in ggplot2
I currently have a code that gives me plots for each sample in my data set for 4 different elements. I attached the code and a picture of the plots for one sample. This gives the concentration of the 4 elements at different spots (spotno) on a sample. Each “spotno”…
r – ggplot2 shapes superimposed even when specified directly
I’m trying to make a simple graph where one variable is shape and the other is fill in ggplot2. I’ve tried grouping the samples by different variables, and I’ve tried manually specifying the shapes for each variable, but every time I get this superimposed image where each sample has many…