Error when trying to import GTF files using rtracklayer’s import function

Error when trying to import GTF files using rtracklayer’s import function


I’m trying to use rtracklayer’s import function to import a GTF file. I downloaded the current comprehensive genome annotation for human from GENCODE, gunzipped the .gz file and tried the following:

granges <-import("gencode.v36.annotation.gtf")

I am getting the following error:

Error in h(simpleError(msg, call)) : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'con' in selecting a method for function 'import': invalid class “GFF2File” object: undefined class for slot "resource" ("characterORconnection")

Also, adding the parameter format="gtf" does not make a difference.

When searching for this on the web, I’m only getting results regarding a tool called IsoformSwitchAnalyzeR where the authors recommended updating their software. But I’m neither using their tool, nor is it even installed on my PC.

For now, I am importing the GTF files manually, but I would like to use rtracklayer’s import function. I hope, someone can help.



software error


Source link