rsem-prepare-reference –allele-to-gene-map <file> (file information required)
–allele-to-gene-map <file>
Use information from <file> to provide gene_id and transcript_id information for each allele-specific transcript. Each line of <file> should be of the form:gene_id transcript_id allele_id
with the fields separated by a tab character.
This option is designed for quantifying allele-specific expression. It is only valid if ‘–gtf’ option is not specified. allele_id should be the sequence names presented in the Multi-FASTA-formatted files.
I tried to look for allele to gene map option, but I found some difficulties in preparing/building the reference file.
rsem-prepare-reference --allele-to-gene-map <file> reference_fasta_file(s) reference_name
From where to obtain this <file>
or from which Multi-FASTA-formatted files we can obtain
gene_id transcript_id allele_id
Please suggest
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