How to display TCR data in tsne space via seurat object
Hi Guys,
I am trying to work out how I can display by VDJ usage within my tsne plot for some 10x data. I added everything to the Seurat object and tried to do a feature plot to the gene of interest but it can not find them. Do I need to set something as the metadata column name?
There isn’t a great way to do this, but the best way I’ve found is something like:
tester <- subset(scrna, subset = cdr3s_aa == "TRA:CAVAQAGTALIF;TRB:CSALGESYEQYF")
cells <- Cells(tester)
DimPlot(scrna, cells.highlight = cells)
Or as a one-liner:
DimPlot(scrna, cells.highlight = Cells(subset(scrna, subset = cdr3s_aa
Substitute your metadata column and TCR info of interest as needed.
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