VEP plugin uses
It is a small question, I downloaded all plugins and wrote in the input script to get plugin experimental functionalities (I am using merged cache Ref_Seq & Ensembl both).
# make a file with a single variant using bash
echo "17 43071077 43071077 T/C + variant_1" > variant.txt
#Run script for VEP
./vep -i variant.txt -o variant.anno.txt --tab --cache --everything --species "homo_sapiens" --per_gene --plugin CADD Carol Condel dbNSFP Downstream ExAC FATHMM LoFtool --sift b --polyphen b --show_ref_allele --hgvs --merged --force_overwrite --term SO
However, in the output file, I am not getting any data of Carol, Condel, dbNSFP, Downstream, ExAC, FATHMM, LoFtool, etc. Any help in terms of how to get the different experimental functionalities using the plugin? Thanks a lot for any help, I really appreciate it.
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