Tool:GRIDSS: the Genomic Rearrangement IDentification Software Suite
GRIDSS is typically used for detecting structural variation breakpoints from short read sequencing data but is a modular software suite containing a number of tools useful for the detection of genomic rearrangements including:
- A structural variant caller.
The GRIDSS caller uses break-end assembly, split read, and read pair evidence to call variants. - A genome-wide break-end assembler. Assembles all break-end contigs without resorted to targeted or windowed assembly.
- A read extractor.
Supports extraction of any subset of indel-containing reads, soft/(hard)-clipped reads, split reads, discordant read pairs, read pairs with only one read mapped and unmapped reads in a single step. - A split read identifier. This tools converts soft-clipped reads to split reads using the standard SA SAM tag. As it output split read alignments using the standard SA tag, it can also be used to remove the dependency on bwa alignment for tools such as LUMPY and Wham.
GRIDSS has been extensively tested across a wide range read depths, read lengths and library fragment sizes. Except for reads shorter than 50bp and coverage under ~10x, GRIDSS outperforms existing SV callers. On 50x 2x100bp human cell line WGS data, GRIDSS achieve false discovery rate half that of BreakDancer, CREST, DELLY, HYDRA, LUMPY, Manta, Pindel, and Socrates with no loss of sensitivity. Benchmarking results are available at
The GRIDSS preprint is available at
GRIDSS is free and open source software and is available at Java 1.8 and an aligner (bwa by default) are required.
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