【 在 McKinsey (00) 的大作中提到: 】
Post-doctoral positions in Computational Biology:
Join our team to identify the functions and pathways of disease genes!
Several computational biology post-doc positions are available in the newly
established Functional Genomics group in the Department of Computational
Medicine and Bioinformatics at the University of Michigan.
The successful candidates will work on exciting projects developing novel
function and network prediction methods in collaboration with several
experimental labs in the Department of Internal Medicine and the Department
of Human Genetics at University of Michigan. The ideal candidates should have
a computational background with a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Statistics,
Math, Physics or Bioinformatics. Substantial experience programming in R,
Matlab, Perl, Java or C++ is required. Previous experience in data mining or
machine learning is a plus.
Interested applicants should send a CV with the names of at least three
references to Yuanfang Guan (gyuanfan@umich.edu). Please specify when you
are able to start.
修改:McKinsey FROM 199.172.169.*
FROM 210.42.98.*
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