How to download data for visualising and analysing in RINalyzer in Cytoscape.
I am new to this plugin in Cytoscape. I want to visualise RIN from pdb and analyze the network. According to the tutorial we can download daat from RIN data websever. But when I am trying to fetch data from this source, no data gets downloaded. Is there any other way to access this data or can we generate the same data in any other way.
You are correct — it looks like the RING web server is no longer functional. You should be able to create a RIN by using Chimera and the structureViz2 Cytoscape app. Install UCSF Chimera ( and then go to the Cytoscape app store and download structureViz2. Open your structure in Chimera and then you should be able to generate the RIN using structureViz2.
— scooter
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