International collaborative research has identified a new gold standard for detecting cancer mutations using genomic pathology.
Professor Sulev Kõks of the Center for Molecular Medicine and Innovative Therapies at Murdoch University and the Peron Institute said:
“We found that factors such as sample and library preparation, different sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics tools influence the reproducibility and performance of genomic analysis techniques.”
The research team has now made a set of recommendations and guidelines on how to improve. Reproducibility And the accuracy of tumor mutation detection Clinical practice..
“All stages of mutation detection are interdependent, and this dependency is complex,” said Professor Kõks.
“There is no” one way “to detect cancerous tumors mutation.. For example, the amount of DNA sequence required to detect a mutation in a cancer depends on the amount of tumor content.
“Each person needs to be treated differently and differently, and our research provides new tools for improving precision medicine. Cancer patients.. ”
Wenming Xiao et al, Towards Best Practices for Cancer Mutation Detection by Whole Genome and Whole Exome Sequencing Nature biotechnology (2021). DOI: 10.1038 / s41587-021-00994-5
Provided by
Murdoch University
Quote: A new gold standard for detecting cancer mutations (September 10, 2021) is available at in 2021. Obtained on the 10th of March.
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A new gold standard for detecting cancer mutations
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