How to remove the header in fasta file and keep only the desirable part on ubuntu?
Hi all,
I have a fasta file with this header
>10005_M12.fastq Otu0001|242290|M1.fastq-M12.fastq-M5.fastq-URTM6.fastq-M7.fastq-M9.fastq
I want to remove all the header parts except the OTU (with its number),
I used the this command “sed ‘s/>M.Otu/>Otu/g’ rep.fasta |sed -e ‘s/|.//g’> rep.otu.fasta”
but the command removed only the part after OTU as following;
>10005_M12.fastq Otu0001
I want the header looks like (>Otu0001)
any advices will be appreciated
Thank you
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