Texas Heart Institute has new research from its abundant cardiomyocyte regeneration lab Circular research— A peer-reviewed journal from the American Cardiac Association that reaches clinical and academic cardiologists, basic cardiovascular scientists, physiologists, cell and molecular biologists, and cardiovascular pharmacologists. New studies confirm that the Wntless (Wls) gene plays an important role in heart regeneration in mice. Wls stimulates the secretion of signal molecules from cardiomyocytes (cardiomyocytes) to cardiac fibroblasts (cells that produce connective tissue) to suppress CF activation. This reduces scar formation and promotes recovery of heart function.
“In this study, the Hippo pathway, an inhibitory genetic mechanism, is associated with cardiomyocytes. Cardiac fibroblasts Against the Wnt signaling pathway; based on this finding, scars formed by fibroblasts after myocardial infarction can be reduced (heart attack) In the heart of a newborn mouse, “emphasized Liu Shiji, a research scientist at the Institute for Cardiomyocyte Regeneration at the Texas Heart Institute and co-author of the study.
Liu has worked closely with Dr. James Martin, director of the Cardiomyocyte Regeneration Lab, on several studies, including recently published studies. Scientific translation medicine This represents a breakthrough for the treatment of heart failure. Gene therapy Regenerates the myocardium after myocardial infarction. After previously engaging in oncology research at the University of North Carolina, Liu moved to cardiovascular research in 2016 under the guidance of Martin at the Texas Cardiovascular Institute.
“In the future, based on the animal model of cardiac regeneration developed in this study, I would like to work on elucidating the crosstalk between cardiomyocytes and cardiac fibroblasts, which are complex areas. A study involving different cell conversations, “Liu added. “Further research could lead to cardiac regeneration therapies that work in more than one way. In parallel with a paper published a few months ago, where is this study based on this study? I’m optimistic about going. It’s very bright in the future and I’m excited to continue working with Dr. Martin and his team at the Texas Heart Institute. “
The Texas Heart Institute’s Cardiomyocyte Regeneration Institute focuses on understanding how genetic pathways relate to homeostasis and regeneration in adult tissues. By gaining a deeper understanding of these pathways, the team develops techniques to prevent the following obstacles: heart Develop new treatments to improve and improve disability and atrial fibrillation Heart disease.. A newly published study, Yap, promotes non-standard Wnt signaling from cardiomyocytes for heart regeneration and represents the latest breakthrough in many studies in this sector.
Shijie Liu et al, Yap promotes non-standard Wnt signaling from cardiomyocytes for heart regeneration, Circular research (2021). DOI: 10.1161 / CIRCRESAHA.121.318966
Provided by Texas Heart Institute
Quote: A new study was obtained from medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-outlines-additional-optimism-heart-regeneration.html on September 14, 2021 (September 14, 2021). ) Outlines additional reasons for optimism
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New research provides an additional overview of optimistic reasons related to heart regeneration
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