How to download BED file with all the fields?
my goal : to download a certain BED file from ucsc website that contains all these fields:
bin chrom chromStart chromEnd name score strand signalValue pValue qValue peak
I will describe my actions and my problem:
– I go into the table browser(tools>Table Browser) and choose the parameters in the picture and the output file parameter as bed:
- when I try to click ” get output ” I see this with a lot of fields missing as you can see:
- and when I go back to the table browser and now change the output format to “all fields from selected table” and get output I see in a new tab this:
- which is what I want but when I download there are 2 problems:
- it I dont know if it is in BED format
- the downloaded file looks like this :
how can I get an output that looks like pic [4] with all of the required fields?
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