Automating busted in Hyphy
I am trying to run BUSTED in hyphy on 129 ortho files and corresponding treefiles. So, running it interactively is not applicable here. I am trying to automate the runs over all of the files. I am using Hyphy installed from conda.
I am using this manual web page as a reference to create a bash loop (scroll to the end of the webpage):
The bash for loop that I came up with looks like this:
cd /home/opensourceferns/Desktop/map-multifile-cds-to-protein-alignment/hyphy/Test_run
for file in *.pal
file_base="$(basename $file .pal)"
echo `(echo "1"; echo "5"; echo $file; echo $treefile) | hyphy`
So, hyphy shows up on my resource usage tabs in linux.
Look at the top item:
But the thing is the run has been going on for hours and there is no data. I have an empty error log file and an empty JSON file. This is a test run on one orthofiles and this one has 203 sequences in it.
Did I set up the automation script wrong? I only want to run the input using default settings.
Read more here: Source link