DiffBind with ChIPseq from histone analysis: EdgeR or Deseq2?


I am have ChIPseq data from histone marks from 2 different condition (mock and treated with 2 biological replicas each) and the aim of my analysis is to study whether a particular histone mark is enriched in one condition versus the other.
I am new to bioinformatic and I don’t have any statistical training and I am trying to teach myself how to normalise the data and perform the differential peak analysis.
From my understanding, without prior knowledge and/or assumptions on biases/expected results, the best way to normalise my data is using background=TRUE and normalize=DBA_NORM_NATIVE.
Established that, I am having trouble understanding with type of analysis method is best to use in my case.
After normalisation, I set the contrast:

WTtest_model <- dba.contrast(WTtest_norm,
reorderMeta=list(Condition=”WT_mock”), minMembers = 2)


Samples, 36975 sites in matrix:

     ID  Factor  Condition Replicate    Reads FRiP
Sample6 H3K4me3   WT_mock         1 14524870 0.50
Sample11 H3K4me3    WT_mock         2 15263769 0.44
Sample17 H3K4me3 WT_treated         1 14206596 0.40
Sample22 H3K4me3 WT_treated         2 15396209 0.40

I then do the differential peak analysis:

WTtest_res <- dba.analyze(WTtest_model, method=DBA_ALL_METHODS)


 Factor      Group Samples  Group2 Samples2 DB.edgeR DB.DESeq2
1 Condition WT_treated       2 WT_mock        2     9690       144

The results shows a big difference between the amount of differential bound regions identified with edgeR or DEseq2(with 98% less peaks identified by DEseq2 in respect to edgeR). What is the reason behind such difference? Which analysis method would best suit my type of study/data and why?

Second question, in the example I have used the data from H3K4me3 ChIPseq experiment. With other histone mark generating broader peaks (like H3K9me2 or H3K27ac) should I change anything in the script?

Any help is greatly appreciated as I cannot really get my head around this.

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