Fossies Archive: slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2 (CLOC Analysis)

Fossies Archive: slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2 (CLOC Analysis)

Fossies” – the Fresh Open Source Software Archive

CLOC (“Count Lines of Code”) analysis of slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2 (28 Feb 20:00, 7258420 Bytes)

About: Slurm is a fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for large and small Linux clusters.

Fossies downloads: / linux / misc / slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2  (tar.gz|tar.xz|zip)

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No. of package member files: 3082  (2795 regular files in 287 directories)

Histograms of CLOC analysis data of slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2 (y-axes: linear scale)

Histograms of CLOC analysis data of slurm-23.02.0.tar.bz2 (y-axes: logarithm scale)

The corresponding CLOC output data:

    2758 text files.
    1673 unique files.                              
    1122 files ignored. v 1.96  T=1.72 s (973.8 files/s, 443566.2 lines/s)
Language           files     blank   comment      code    scale   3rd gen. equiv
C                    759     73402     83868    464150 x   0.77 =      357395.50
C/C++ Header         376      8913     39717     32454 x   1.00 =       32454.00
JSON                   7         3         0     16349 x   2.50 =       40872.50
Python               127      2190      1962      6277 x   4.20 =       26363.40
m4                    46       514       119      4705 x   1.00 =        4705.00
Perl                  52      3008      3410      4046 x   4.00 =       16184.00
Bourne Shell           2       557       526      3920 x   3.81 =       14935.20
make                 244      1397       496      3574 x   2.50 =        8935.00
HTML                  16       161         0      1513 x   1.90 =        2874.70
Bourne Again Shell    13       117       233      1193 x   3.81 =        4545.33
CSS                    5       256        78       892 x   1.00 =         892.00
Text                   9        91         0       616 x   0.50 =         308.00
Markdown               3        52         0       220 x   1.00 =         220.00
Lua                    5        33        28       150 x   4.00 =         600.00
Pascal                 1        35       148       131 x   0.88 =         115.28
vim script             1         3        56       114 x   3.00 =         342.00
YAML                   2        19         8       112 x   0.90 =         100.80
CUDA                   2        18        18        76 x   1.00 =          76.00
reStructuredText       1        18         0        61 x   1.50 =          91.50
INI                    1         0         0         6 x   1.00 =           6.00
JavaScript             1         0         1         3 x   1.48 =           4.44
SUM:                1673     90787    130668    540562 x   0.95 =      512020.65

A hint: This “standard” CLOC analysis has included all package contents files (with the exception of files generated by code-production systems such as GNU autotools).
But there exists a perhaps more “realistic” alternative CLOC analysis (among others better suited for an optional codespell check rating) that tries additionally to exclude third party code but also files containing fonts, codepage or character set definitions, dictionaries, names, SVG or non-English languages.

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