Until the pandemic, conspiracy theorists and alien abductees hovered on society’s fringes. But Covid, the concomitant lockdown isolation and social media swept them into the mainstream. As soon as the vaccine became available, they pounced. Various anti-vaxx conspiracy theories emerged.
While the theories were not based on scientific evidence, they gained traction among some groups and individuals, leading to vaccine hesitancy and reduced uptake of vaccination.
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The results of rumour mongering by anti-vaxxers, who are still active, were increased death rates among the unjabbed and higher rates of transmission where it could have been dampened earlier.
Covid vaccine theories
Some of the most common conspiracy theories surrounding Covid vaccines included, bizarrely, microchip tracking. The theory claimed that Covid vaccines contained microchips used for tracking or surveillance purposes by governments or other entities.
Vaccine hesitancy and antivaxx behaviour often saw militants storm into medical centres and protest loudly online. To what end, nobody has been able to figure out, yet.
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Population control theories suggested the jabs were part of a global effort to control or reduce the population while another proclaimed the mRNA technology-based vaccines can alter human DNA.
The mRNA vaccines work by instructing cells to produce a harmless piece of the virus, which triggers an immune response. They do not interact with or alter a person’s DNA.
Then there were the vaccine-induced illnesses like long-term flu, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or even death. These claims were not supported by scientific evidence.
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While vaccines caused mild to moderate side-effects, such as fever, fatigue, or injection site pain, these were usually short-lived and far less severe than the potential consequences of a Covid infection.
Another theory suggested that Covid vaccines caused infertility or negatively affected pregnancy. While none of the conspiracy theories were ever proven, the efficacy of the vaccine was – time and again.
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