Get mRNA sequence from amino acid sequence using BioPython

Get mRNA sequence from amino acid sequence using BioPython


I have a sequence of amino acids like “MVLLV” and I want to know what mRNA corresponds to that, I’m using biopython for this, but I just know the back_transcribe(), to revert the RNA to DNA, how can I do that for amino acids to mRNA?





Genomax already pointed out some threads, but here’s another: Convert amino acid sequences into nucleotide sequences

The short answer is there is rarely if ever a good reason to do this. It’s computationally challenging to do anything meaningful with the result too.

To add insult to injury, if you’re truly after the mRNA representation, not just the coding/exonic sequences, this would be impossible as there’s no way to know how long the poly-A tail and other mRNA features beyond just the sequence would appear.

before adding your answer.

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