Tag: clusters

What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2023.3

Releases The Ultimate edition of IntelliJ IDEA goes beyond the basics, offering a comprehensive suite of features, including in-depth profiling capabilities, database tools, built-in support for many web and enterprise frameworks, and more. In this latest v2023.3 release, we’ve rolled out a suite of new features to enhance your coding…

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GenomeFace: a deep learning-based metagenome binner trained on 43,000 microbial genomes

Abstract Metagenomic binning, the process of grouping DNA sequences into taxonomic units, is critical for understanding the functions, interactions, and evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities. We propose a deep learning approach to binning using two neural networks, one based on composition and another on environmental abundance, dynamically weighting the contribution…

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Database Of Space Life Science Investigations And Bioinformatics Of Microbiology In Extreme Environments

Database Of Space Life Science Investigations And Bioinformatics Of Microbiology In Extreme Environments Biological experiments performed in space crafts like space stations, space shuttles, and recoverable satellites has enabled extensive spaceflight life investigations (SLIs). In particular, SLIs have revealed distinguished space effects on microbial growth, survival, metabolite production, biofilm formation,…

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Scientists Discover Novel Mechanism for Mitochondrial DNA Disposal, Offering Potential for Targeted Therapeutics

In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Salk Institute and the University of California San Diego have identified a new pathway used by cells to remove dysfunctional mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from within mitochondria. The discovery sheds light on how misplaced mtDNA triggers an immune response that promotes inflammation, opening up…

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Deploying OpenAPI Helm Chart on AWS EKS

To deploy the OpenAPI Helm chart on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), we’ll follow these steps: Create an EKS cluster. Configure Kubeconfig to interact with your cluster. Use the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to deploy the OpenAPI Helm chart using kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart. Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in…

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A Benchmark of Genetic Variant Calling Pipelines Using Metagenomic Short-Read Sequencing

Introduction Short-read metagenomic sequencing is the technique most widely used to explore the natural habitat of millions of bacteria. In comparison with 16S rRNA sequencing, shotgun metagenomic sequencing (MGS) provides sequence information of the whole genomes, which can be used to identify different genes present in an individual bacterium and…

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PCA from plink2 for SGDP using a pangenome and DeepVariant

Hi there, I’m doing my first experiments with PCA and UMAP as dimensionality reductions to visualize a dataset I’ve been working on. Basically, I used the samples from the SGDP which I then mapped on the human pangenome for, finally, calling small variants with DeepVariant. I moved on with some…

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Unravelling cell type-specific responses to Parkinson’s Disease at single cell resolution | Molecular Neurodegeneration

Single nucleus RNA-seq reveals cell type heterogeneity in human SNpc We sampled SNpc from post-mortem human brains of 15 sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients and 14 Control individuals (see Supplementary Table 1 for full pathology reports). Using a 10X Genomics Chromium platform, we performed single nucleus RNA-seq (snRNA-seq) on more than…

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Structure-guided discovery of anti-CRISPR and anti-phage defense proteins

Identification of putative anti-crispr proteins using structural features To identify Acrs in phage genomes, we began by retrieving ~66.5 million proteins from Integrated Microbial Genomes Virus database (IMG/VR)37. We excluded large proteins because over 90% of known Acrs contain less than 200 amino acids38 (Fig. 1A, Supplementary Data 1). To reduce computational…

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Genomic insights into Plasmodium vivax population structure and diversity in central Africa | Malaria Journal

Hamblin MT, Di Rienzo A. Detection of the signature of natural selection in humans: evidence from the Duffy blood group locus. Am J Hum Genet. 2000;66:1669–79. Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Hamblin MT, Thompson EE, Di Rienzo A. Complex signatures of natural selection at the Duffy blood group…

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Stochastic biological system-of-systems modelling for iPSC culture

Cell proliferation and aggregation dynamics modeling The aggregation process is characterized by the dynamic evolution of a density profile of aggregates. Let \(\phi (x,t)\) denote the average number of aggregates or clusters of size \(x\) (i.e., mass and volume) at time \(t\), where mass is equal to a buoyant density…

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The best countries for biotech according to the OECD

The OECD recently published an update on key biotechnology indicators, an opportunity for us to delve into the top-performing countries in the field. With the highest number of active biotech companies (2,840) and an R&D intensity added value of 17%, the U.S. remains a strong leader in the industry. But…

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Investigating environmental transmission to resolve a Bacillus cereus group outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit using core genome multilocus sequence typing | Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control

Isolate characteristics From June 2020 to October 2021, our analysis included a total of 28 isolates from patient and environmental samples, all subjected to Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) (refer to Table 1). To ensure robustness and minimize the influence of sequencing errors on our findings, all 28 WGS datasets maintained a…

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hpc – For SLURM clusters why do we need to specify memory allocation for jobs?

It’s not so much a problem of allocating memory, but of knowing the shape of the workload to place it optimally (or at least non-problematically) in the cluster. The point is so that jobs can be placed on nodes with sufficient memory to handle the task. This avoids problems that…

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Top 20 Hadoop Competitors and Alternatives

Hadoop is an open-source big data analytics platform headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland. The solution evolved from the Google File System paper published by Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella in October 2003 as part of the Apache Nutch project. The co-founders moved the platform to the Hadoop subproject in 2006. In…

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30 PhD Positions and 2 Postdoc positions, University of Potsdam

30 PhD Positions and 2 Postdoc positions: The CRC 1644 Projects at the University of Potsdam are offering scholarship positions for individuals with a keen interest in Biology, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Mathematics, or (Bio)physics. These positions, available in clusters A, B, and Z, provide an excellent opportunity for aspiring scholars…

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Galaxy Newsletter: December 2023 – Galaxy Community Hub

Hello, Galaxy Community! Firstly, the Galaxy team would like to extend our warmest wishes to you and all your loved ones this holiday season! With the New Year rapidly approaching, we wanted to thank you all for being a part of the Galaxy Community in 2023; we couldn’t do it…

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Bioinformatics scientist | GENOMINES

Job Description Who we are Genomines is a young biotechnology company based in Paris and Saclay, specialized in sustainable extraction of Nickel from plants. The mission of Genomines is to usher in a new era of sustainable mining by using genetically enhanced plants to extract metals from soil (agromining). Through…

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ML Pipelines on GCP with Vertex AI

20 Nov 2023 by dzlab Vertex AI Pipelines are a platform for building and running machine learning workflows on Google Cloud Platform. They allow the orchestration of machine learning tasks using pre-built or custom components, and leverage the serverless and scalable infrastructure of Vertex AI. Vertex AI Pipelines is based…

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Summary of Genomics and Transcriptomics – DNA sequencing I. Goal II. Methodology A. Sanger DNA

DNA sequencing I. Goal II. Methodology A. Sanger DNA sequencing ● Up to 900 base pairs ● Primer extension with labeled ddNTPs (radioactive or fluorescent) ● Prior knowledge on target needed ● Difficult to detect variation in mixtures ● High accuracy + still in use for genotyping When it is…

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Molecular characterization of a tetra segmented ssDNA virus infecting Botrytis cinerea worldwide | Virology Journal

Analysis of the multisegmented nature of BcssDV1 genome B. cinerea field isolates were previously obtained from infected grapes of vineyards of Italy and Spain and their mycovirome was determined [8]. A new ssDNA virus (BcssDV1, Genbank accession no. MN625247) was discovered and characterized. The sequence previously characterized of BcssDV1 (from…

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Blazing the trail to empower agrigenomics research and conservation

Sequencing data for a single human genome, at 30× coverage, takes up to 70 gigabytes of storage. Illumina instruments produced 280 million gigabytes of data in 2021 alone, and by 2025, we’ll need storage capacity for 40 billion gigabytes—and that’s just for human genomes. The Genomics & Bioinformatics Service of…

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CRISPR/Cas9-mediated nexilin deficiency interferes with cardiac contractile function in zebrafish in vivo

CRISPR/Cas9-induced homozygous knockout of nexn causes progressive cardiac dysfunction without affecting skeletal muscle function in zebrafish Several studies in different animal models and cardiomyopathy patients have shown that loss of NEXN is leading to DCM which is characterized by an impaired contractility of the heart6,10,12. Homozygous loss of NEXN mostly…

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MongoDB leaks data, but does not tell how much

MongoDB is still investigating a security incident in which hackers penetrated customers’ business systems. Contact information and metadata were allegedly accessed. The number of involved customers stays unclear. During the weekend of Dec. 16 and 17, a security incident occurred at MongoDB. On Saturday, it was reported that several company…

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Assessment of genetic diversity, population structure and wolf-dog hybridisation in the Eastern Romanian Carpathian wolf population

Kershaw, F. et al. The Coalition for Conservation Genetics: Working across organizations to build capacity and achieve change in policy and practice. Conserv. Sci. Pract. 4, e12635 (2022). Article  Google Scholar  Waits, L. P. & Paetkau, D. Noninvasive genetic sampling tools for wildlife biologists: a review of applications and recommendations…

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Variability in DNA methylation defines novel epigenetic subgroups of DLBCL associated with different clinical outcomes

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma with variable biology and clinical behavior. The current classification does not fully explain the biological and clinical heterogeneity of DLBCLs. In this study, we carried out genomewide DNA methylation profiling of 140 DLBCL samples and 10…

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Multicenter evaluation of gut microbiome profiling by next-generation sequencing reveals major biases in partial-length metabarcoding approach

Bacterial profile variations in mock communities at the genus level While 16S rRNA metabarcoding only identified bacteria and archaea, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Cryptosporidium were only identified by a shotgun metagenomics approach. Only three metabarcoding partners (P1, P4, and P5), out of six, detected all eight bacterial species present in the…

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FDA approved treatments use gene therapy to help patients with sickle cell disease

By Olivia Trani  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently approved two gene therapies, Casgevy and Lyfgenia, to treat sickle cell disease in people ages 12 and older. One of the therapies, Casgevy, use a novel gene-editing technique called CRISPR/Cas9, which can modify a cell’s DNA at a targeted location…

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Confusion about “Top Features table” in cellranger web summary output for CITE-Seq libraries

Confusion about “Top Features table” in cellranger web summary output for CITE-Seq libraries 0 I am reviewing the Web Summary (count) documentation on the 10X genomics website and became confused as to what is being displayed in the Top Features by Cluster table under the Antibody tab (see screenshot below)….

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Exploring Popular Machine Learning Models in Python | by Jawaria Irfan Thakur | Dec, 2023

Machine learning models are at the heart of data-driven solutions, enabling computers to learn patterns from data and make predictions or decisions. Python, with its rich ecosystem of libraries, offers a diverse range of machine learning models. Let’s delve into some popular ones: Linear RegressionLinear regression is a fundamental supervised…

Continue Reading Exploring Popular Machine Learning Models in Python | by Jawaria Irfan Thakur | Dec, 2023

Google releases Gemini Pro for developers and business users

Google’s Duet AI tool also became generally available and will get Gemini access over the next few weeks. Credit: Framalicious via Shutterstock. Gemini Pro, Google’s enterprise edition of the Gemini family of AI models is a natively multimodal AI model that puts Google squarely back in the AI race as…

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Potent latency reversal by Tat RNA-containing nanoparticle enables multi-omic analysis of the HIV-1 reservoir

Participants and blood collection A total of n = 23 HIV-1 seropositive individuals on stably suppressive ART were included in this study (Supplementary Table 1). Participants were recruited at Ghent University Hospital. 2/23 individuals are female, 21/23 are male; the limited representation of female individuals in our study is a direct reflection of…

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Ray on Vertex AI: Let’s get it started | by Ivan Nardini | Google Cloud – Community | Dec, 2023

Figure 1 — Image from author At Next 2023, Google Cloud announced Ray on Vertex AI, a managed service that provides scalability for AI and Python applications using Ray.As a Vertex AI developer, you may be wondering: As a Vertex AI developer, you may be wondering: What is Ray? Why…

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Unraveling predisposition in bilateral Wilms tumor

A ‘mosaic’ of predisposing factors  Wilms tumor is the most common kidney cancer of childhood, but just 5-7% of all Wilms tumor patients are diagnosed with bilateral Wilms tumor. Patients with bilateral Wilms tumor are diagnosed younger and often have precursor lesions called nephrogenic rests (clusters of undifferentiated embryonic kidney…

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bwa-mem reproducibility

bwa-mem reproducibility 1 I have a set of paired end fastq files, and I run bwa-mem (v0.7.17-r1188) on the files with the same exact parameters, including the same number of threads, in two different computing clusters. I compare the BAM file produced via samtools stats. and the outputs are different…

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Gut Microbiome and Bifidobacterium Research in Zimbabwe

Introduction The Infant Gut Microbiome Untangling what constitutes a healthy gut microbiome is timely, particularly in low- and middle-income (LMIC) settings where problems of infant nutrition, chronic diarrhea, and failure to thrive are high priority.1,2 Studying the infant gut microbiome is also crucial as many of the events capable of…

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Single-cell RNA-seq workflow

In this tutorial we walk through a typical single-cell RNA-seq analysis using Bioconductor packages. We will try to cover data from different protocols, but some of the EDA/QC steps will be focused on the 10X Genomics Chromium protocol. We start from the output of the Cell Ranger preprocessing software. This…

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Phylogenomic analysis of 343 Xanthomonas citri pv. citri strains unravels introduction history and dispersal paths

. 2023 Dec 15;19(12):e1011876. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1011876. Online ahead of print. Jin Xu  1 , Yanan Zhang  1 , Jinyun Li  1 , Doron Teper  1 , Xiaoan Sun  2 , Debra Jones  2 , Yayu Wang  3 , Jin Tao  4 , Erica M Goss  5   6 , Jeffrey B Jones  5 , Nian Wang  1 Affiliations Expand Affiliations…

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What is rRNA? | 4 Answers from Research papers

What are microorganisms?5 answersMicroorganisms are tiny organisms that can exist as unicellular, multicellular, or cell clusters. They are widespread in nature and can be divided into five major types: Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Protozoa, and Viruses. Microbes are present everywhere in the biosphere and have a significant impact on the environment…

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Best Google Colab Alternatives 2024: enhance collaborative coding

There are the best Google Colab Alternatives that you can consider. According to data scientists and people working on machine learning projects, Google Colab is a popular platform because it is easy to use, cheap, and works well with Google Drive. Even though Google Colab is very popular, there are…

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Condition specific marker detection and problem with the distribution of cells from different samples

Condition specific marker detection and problem with the distribution of cells from different samples 1 I have 6 scRNAseq samples and made a umap using all cells from all 6 samples and in the UMAP every sample has a different color (in total 6 colors) and the goal was to…

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IU researchers fill the final gaps in the Ara

image:  Arabidopsis thaliana, known as Thale crest. view more  Credit: Adobe Stock Arabidopsis thaliana is a species grown worldwide for genetic research and was the first plant to have its complete set of chromosomes (its genome) sequenced. The initial genome sequence, released in the year 2000, had numerous gaps, but technological…

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Bioconductor – clusterProfiler

DOI: 10.18129/B9.bioc.clusterProfiler     This package is for version 3.12 of Bioconductor; for the stable, up-to-date release version, see clusterProfiler. statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters Bioconductor version: 3.12 This package implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles (GO and KEGG) of gene…

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Whole-genome sequencing reveals the molecular implications of the stepwise progression of lung adenocarcinoma

Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) analysis of early and advanced adenocarcinomas Whole-genome short read and long read sequencing datasets of 76 lung cancer specimens were analyzed. The datasets included newly generated data for 48 early small-sized lung adenocarcinoma cases (collectively called “Early-Ad” hereafter). These cases included 26 AIS (9 and 17 cases…

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Page not found at /mature/MIMAT0027893?acc=MIMAT0027893

Page not found at /mature/MIMAT0027893?acc=MIMAT0027893 Using the URLconf defined in mirbase_new.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order: __debug__/ admin/ [name=”home”] __debug__/ ajax/draw_reads_plot/<slug:accession> [name=”ajax_draw_reads_plot”] ajax/draw_reads_plot_mismatch/<slug:accession> [name=”ajax_draw_reads_plot_mismatch”] ajax/load-chromosomes/ [name=”ajax_load_chromosomes”] ajax/load-tissues/ [name=”ajax_load_tissues”] ajax/load-experiments/ [name=”ajax_load_experiments”] ajax/load-hairpins-for-mature/ [name=”ajax_load_hairpins_for_mature”] ajax/load-papers/ [name=”ajax_load_papers”] ajax/page-clusters/ [name=”ajax_page_clusters”] ajax/load-clusters/ [name=”ajax_load_clusters”] ajax/load-sentences/ [name=”ajax_load_sentences”] ajax/load-reads/ [name=”ajax_load_reads”] ajax/load-reads-mismatches/ [name=”ajax_load_reads_mismatches”] ajax/load-results/ [name=”ajax_load_results”] ajax/get-sequences/…

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Study uncovers unique genetic diversity in Australian Indigenous populations

Scientists at the Australian National University (ANU) have comprehensively analyzed the genomes of Australian Indigenous communities and found a rich genetic diversity. Their study is published in the journal Nature. Study: Indigenous Australian genomes show deep structure and rich novel variation. Image Credit: ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock Background Genetic structures of Australian Indigenous…

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Wrangling And Analyzing Data In RStudio

Article Summary Box Efficient data preparation in RStudio hinges on automated data cleaning techniques, significantly reducing manual errors and streamlining the initial stages of analysis. Vectorized operations and the apply() family functions in RStudio dramatically enhance data manipulation efficiency, especially for large datasets. Utilizing multiple linear regression and PCA in…

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A transcriptomic taxonomy of mouse brain-wide spinal projecting neurons

Animals All experimental procedures were performed in compliance with animal protocols approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Boston Children’s Hospital (Protocol no. 20-05-4165 R). Mice were provided with food and water ad libitum, housed on a 12-hour light/dark schedule (7 a.m.–7 p.m. light period) with no more than five mice…

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A high-resolution transcriptomic and spatial atlas of cell types in the whole mouse brain

Mouse breeding and husbandry All experimental procedures related to the use of mice were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the AIBS, in accordance with NIH guidelines. Mice were housed in a room with temperature (21–22 °C) and humidity (40–51%) control within the vivarium of the AIBS…

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Highly dynamic inflammatory and excitability transcriptional profiles in hippocampal CA1 following status epilepticus

Dynamic mRNA signatures in the early phase of epileptogenesis after Pilocarpine-induced SE To decipher transcriptional changes early after pilocarpine-induced SE in the hippocampal CA1 subfield, we compared mRNA expression profiles of pilocarpine-induced SE animals and non-SE controls in hippocampal CA1 at five different time points, i.e. 6, 12, 24, 36…

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Conserved and divergent gene regulatory programs of the mammalian neocortex

Nucleus preparation from frozen brain tissue for Chromium single-cell multiome ATAC and gene expression analysis M1 tissue was obtained from three human donors (male, aged 42, 29 and 58 years), three macaque donors (male, aged 6 (Macaca mulatta), 6 (M. mulatta) and 14 (Macaca fascicularis) years), three marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)…

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With Gemini Pro, Google Vies for Top Spot in GenAI Race

Having delivered its Gemini Pro multimodal AI model, Google showed that it’s nowhere near an also-ran in the AI race; it’s a potential top dog. Google has made its Gemini Pro AI model available to developers to begin building applications using the company’s newly announced large language model (LLM). Last…

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Unraveling the genome of Bacillus velezensis MEP218, a strain producing fengycin homologs with broad antibacterial activity: comprehensive comparative genome analysis

Whole genome sequencing and analysis To understand the mechanisms underlying the biological control capability of bacterial pathogens, the complete genome of MEP218 was sequenced, assembled, and deposited in the GenBank database under the accession number CP042864.2. The genome of MEP218 consists of a single circular chromosome of 3,944,892 bp with a…

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Installing JupyterHub via Stackable Demo on K8s | by Alex McLintock | Dec, 2023

docs.stackable.tech/home/stable/demos/jupyterhub-pyspark-hdfs-anomaly-detection-taxi-data So, this is an article in an ongoing series where I investigate the deployment tools of Stackable.tech This firm supplies supported versions of many open source data engineering tools to easily build data platforms on Kubernetes (k8s) clusters. These can be on your own premises, in a data centre,…

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New method tags cells with location coordinates for single-cell studies

Brain cells (each represented by a dot), categorized into seven cell types (each a different color), are spatially mapped in a 10 mm square region of the human prefrontal cortex. Credit: Russell AJC et al., Nature 2023, doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06837-4 When a scientist wants to study individual cells at the molecular level…

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Accurate prediction of protein assembly structure by combining AlphaFold and symmetrical docking

Prediction with AlphaFold2 and AlphaFold-Multimer For each PDB the release date in the Protein Data Bank34 was recorded. AlphaFold 2 (2.2.2) was run setting the –max_template_date flag to be the day before the release date of the PDB and the –model_preset to be either monomer for AF or multimer for…

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Single-cell analysis of chromatin accessibility in the adult mouse brain

Tissue preparation and nucleus isolation All experimental procedures using live animals were approved by the SALK Institute Animal Care and Use Committee under protocol number 18-00006. Adult C57BL/6J male mice were purchased from Jackson Laboratories. Brains were extracted from 56–63-day-old mice and sectioned into 600 µm coronal sections along the anterior–posterior…

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A vertebrate-wide catalogue of T1R receptors reveals diversity in taste perception

Identification of novel TAS1R family members We identified homologues of TAS1R genes that are included in public genome/transcriptome databases for diverse taxa of jawed vertebrates (Supplementary Table 1). Except for jawed vertebrates, TAS1R genes were not identified in any Deuterostomia reference genomes (lampreys, hagfishes, tunicates, lancelets, sea urchins, starfish, hemichordate,…

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Single-cell DNA methylome and 3D multi-omic atlas of the adult mouse brain

Mouse brain tissues All experimental procedures using live animals were approved by the Salk Institute Animal Care and Use Committee under protocol number 18-00006. Adult (P56) C57BL/6J male mice were purchased from the Jackson Laboratory at 7 weeks of age and maintained in the Salk animal barrier facility on 12-h dark–light…

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Topological structures and syntenic conservation in sea anemone genomes

Putnam, N. H. et al. Sea anemone genome reveals ancestral eumetazoan gene repertoire and genomic organization. Science 317, 86–94 (2007). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Chapman, J. A. et al. The dynamic genome of Hydra. Nature 464, 592–596 (2010). Article  ADS  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Srivastava, M….

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Undersampling Techniques Using Python – KDnuggets

With the evolving digital landscape, a wealth of data is being generated and captured from diverse sources. While immensely valuable, this vast universe of information often reflects the imbalanced distribution of real-world phenomena. The problem of imbalanced data is not merely a statistical challenge; it has far-reaching implications for the…

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Confusing results from FindConservedMarkers in Seurat

Confusing results from FindConservedMarkers in Seurat 1 I am trying to identify marker genes from clusters identified by running Seurat. I use FindConservedMarkers for this as I have multiple conditions in my dataset and I use grouping.var as my multiple conditions. However, when I look at the top 5 marker…

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A laboratory ice machine as a cold oligotrophic artificial microbial niche for biodiscovery

Flemming, H.-C. & Wuertz, S. Bacteria and archaea on earth and their abundance in biofilms. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 17, 247–260 (2019). Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Flemming, H.-C., Neu, T. R. & Wozniak, D. J. The EPS matrix: The “house of biofilm cells”. J. Bacteriol. 189, 7945–7947 (2007). Article  CAS …

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Phyloecology of nitrate ammonifiers and their importance relative to denitrifiers in global terrestrial biomes

Steffen, W. et al. Planetary boundaries: guiding human development on a changing planet. Science 347, 1259855 (2015). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Kanter, D. R. et al. Nitrogen pollution policy beyond the farm. Nat. Food 1, 27–32 (2020). Article  ADS  Google Scholar  Tian, H. et al. A comprehensive quantification of global…

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The future of cancer care: a path toward personalized treatment

The biological complexity of cancer is individual to each patient, and it presents many roadblocks on the path toward optimal treatments. However, developments in DNA technologies and advanced imaging tools have greatly informed clinicians and researchers on ways to develop methods for precision care. Morgridge biomedical imaging investigator Dr. Melissa Skala and…

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An ncRNA transcriptomics-based approach to design siRNA molecules against SARS-CoV-2 double membrane vesicle formation and accessory genes | BMC Infectious Diseases

When compared to the genomes of other RNA viruses, coronaviruses have been found to possess largest genome sizes. They are capable of establishing reservoirs in both human and zoonotic populations, enabling their transmission and circulation among a range of animal hosts, including bats, pangolins, civets, cats, mice, pigs, whales, dogs,…

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Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the first local monkeypox virus cluster in Guangdong Province, China

Phylogenetic analysis of lineage IIb C.1 containing all ten local MPXV from Guangdong To rapidly characterize the phylogeny of the MPXVs involved in the outbreak in Guangdong, we constructed a phylogenetic tree by integrating 10 MPXV sequences from Guangdong into the global MPXV genetic diversity sequences derived from GISAID (Fig. 1a,…

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Genome-wide characterization and evolutionary analysis of the AP2/ERF gene family in lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

Identification of the AP2/ERF transcription factors in lettuce genome To identify AP2/ERF family genes in lettuce, we queried the lettuce genomic protein database (version 8) using the Pfam model (PF00847) of the AP2 domain. This search led us to discover 223 genes that showed a significant match with the AP2…

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Human RAD52 stimulates the RAD51-mediated homology search

Introduction Homologous recombination (HR) is an evolutionarily conserved process that plays a pivotal role in genome stability, diversity, and plasticity. HR is indeed a key repair pathway able to faithfully repair DNA damages including double-strand breaks (DSBs) and DNA gaps by copying the error-free information from the template DNA normally…

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Liquid Biopsy Uses ctDNA to Predict Recurrence of Hodgkin Lymphoma

A Stanford Medicine-led, international study of hundreds of samples from patients with classic Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) has shown that levels of tumor DNA circulating in the blood can identify those individuals who are responding well to treatment and those who are likely to experience a disease recurrence. The study results suggest…

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Troubleshooting an Unhandled error in Parallel Computation on a Slurm Cluster – General Usage

Hello Julia community! I’m encountering an issue with distributing some computation across threads of multiple nodes in a Slurm cluster. I’m using Distributed.jl, SlurmClusterManager.jl, and SharedArrays.jl to parallelize my code. Part 1: Setting Up Environment and Parameters # Load environment on main process import Pkg pkgdir = dirname(@__FILE__) Pkg.activate(pkgdir *…

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How can i control the cluster number in scRNASeq clustering by Seurat package

How can i control the cluster number in scRNASeq clustering by Seurat package 2 Hi all, I analysised the 10x dataset by Seurat pkg, when i used the TSNEPlot function to plot the TSNE plot of clustering result, i found the number of cluster always different. How can i control…

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Origin and evolution of the triploid cultivated banana genome

Rouard, M. et al. Three new genome assemblies support a rapid radiation in Musa acuminata (wild banana). Genome Biol. Evol. 10, 3129–3140 (2018). CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar  Langhe, E. D., Vrydaghs, L., Maret, P. D., Perrier, X. & Denham, T. Why bananas matter: an introduction to the history…

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AstraZeneca Bioinformatics Job – Bioinformatics Consultant Post

“Unlock Your Potential: Join AstraZeneca as a Bioinformatics Consultant and Revolutionize Drug Discovery!” –Must See– AstraZeneca Bioinformatics Job Job Post: Consultant – Bio Informatician At AstraZeneca, our mission is to improve the quality of healthcare and make a positive impact on the lives of millions of patients. We are seeking…

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High technology is the key to detecting foodborne outbreaks over space and time

Most people think of foodborne illness outbreaks as spanning a few days or weeks. But, with current technology, disease detectives can find patients of a single outbreak spread across several years and multiple states. That is the case with an ongoing outbreak of Listeria illnesses linked to fresh peaches that…

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ST23 Klebsiella pneumoniae in China

Introduction Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP), a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, inhabits aquatic environments and can colonise respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts in humans, making it a significant opportunistic pathogen. It may result in pneumonia, meningitis, urinary tract infections, and bloodstream infections. Hypervirulent Kp (HvKp) is believed to cause severe community-acquired invasive…

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What Are Machine Learning Platforms

Supervised Learning Platforms Supervised learning is a popular approach in machine learning where algorithms are trained on labeled data to make predictions or classify new data. These platforms provide a comprehensive set of tools and frameworks to enable developers and data scientists to build and deploy supervised learning models with…

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How to perform fungal mutagenesis?

How to DNA sequence a yeast?3 answersDNA sequencing of yeast can be done using various methods. One protocol involves preparing yeast DNA by digesting the cell wall and lysing the resulting spheroplasts with SDS. This method yields several micrograms of yeast DNA that can be cleaved by restriction enzymes and…

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Feature agglomeration in Scikit Learn

Data Science is a wide field with a lot of hurdles that data scientist usually faces to get informative insights out of the data presented to them, one of such hurdles is referred to as ‘The Curse of Dimensionality’. As the number of data features increases in the dataset the…

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BigQuery DataFrames Generative AI Goldmines! | by Agarapu Ramesh | Dec, 2023

Read more on Govindhtech.com To run a successful business, you must understand your customers’ needs and learn from their feedback. However, extracting actionable information from customer feedback is difficult. Examining and categorizing feedback can help you identify your customers’ product pain points, but it can become difficult and time-consuming as…

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vcfdist: accurately benchmarking phased small variant calls in human genomes

The affine gap design space for selecting variant representations As demonstrated in Fig. 1, the main issue with a difference-based format such as VCF is that often there are multiple reasonable sets of variant calls that can be used to represent the same final sequence relative to a reference FASTA. Since…

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r – How to perform t test and plot p-values for comparison between groups on a grouped boxplot (ggplot)?

I have a data frame, as shown below: > dput(filtered_lymph) structure(list(cluster = c(“CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”, “CD4+ Tcells”,…

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The MetaInvert soil invertebrate genome resource provides insights into below-ground biodiversity and evolution

FAO, ITPS, GSBI, CBD & EC. State of knowledge of soil biodiversity – Status, challenges and potentialities, Report 2020. (FAO). doi.org/10.4060/cb1928en. 2020. Potapov, A. M. et al. Feeding habits and multifunctional classification of soil-associated consumers from protists to vertebrates. Biol. Rev. 97, 1057–1117 (2022). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  García-Palacios, P.,…

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Turn customer feedback into opportunities using generative AI in BigQuery DataFrames

To operate a thriving business, it is important to have a deep understanding of your customers’ needs and extract valuable insights from their feedback. However, the journey of extracting actionable information from customer feedback is a formidable task. Examining and categorizing feedback can help you discover your customers’ core pain…

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Endometrial cancer PDX-derived organoids (PDXOs) and PDXs with FGFR2c isoform expression are sensitive to FGFR inhibition

Patients, tumour Implantation, PDX expansion and characterization The study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki. Tumours were collected from EC patients following Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval (HREC/15/MHS/127) and QUT HREC (#1500000169, 1500000323). All participants provided written informed consent that their excess tissue could be used for…

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HER2 low expression breast cancer subtyping and their correlation with prognosis and immune landscape based on the histone modification related genes

Barzaman, K. et al. Breast cancer: Biology, biomarkers, and treatments. Int. Immunopharmacol. 84, 106535 (2020). Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  Siegel, R. L., Miller, K. D., Wagle, N. S. & Jemal, A. Cancer statistics, 2023. CA Cancer J. Clin. 73(1), 17–48 (2023). Article  PubMed  Google Scholar  Mueller, C., Haymond, A.,…

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sparklyr – Databricks Connect v2

Last updated: Thu Dec 7 16:28:19 2023 Intro Databricks Connect enables the interaction with Spark clusters remotely. It is based on Spark Connect, which enables remote connectivity thanks to its new decoupled client-server architecture. This allows users to interact with the Spark cluster without having to run the jobs from…

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JoinLayers function for Seurat Object for annotation with SingleR

Dear all, I have the following issue: I have a Seurat object with 7 layers of raw gene expression counts for 7 different patients. In order to annotate the object with SingleR I have now used the function “JoinLayers” to combine all counts into one layer of counts of all…

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Finding differentially expressed genes between Seurat clusters

Good afternoon, I am working with a dataset of 7 patients. I have merged all raw counts to one count object with JoinLayers: Now I would like to know whether there are certain genes differentially expressed between my Seurat clusters. For that I ran markers_all<-FindAllMarkers(kid.filtered_new, test.use=”DESeq2″, slot=”counts”) However, it does…

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Solved Data: country150.csvPart 1: Market Segmentation using

Data: country150.csv Part 1: Market Segmentation using K–Means Approach Read the data in RStudio and run descriptive statistics of the variables. Use Country as row names and then drop this variable from the data set. Scale the variables. Find optimal number of clusters using Elbow Method. Show the resulting graph…

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Top 10 Kaggle Machine Learning Projects to Become Data Scientist in 2024

Image by Editor   In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the role of data scientists and analysts has become crucial for every organization to find data-driven insights for decision-making. Kaggle, a platform that brings together data scientists and machine learning engineers enthusiasts, becomes a central platform for improving data science…

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Electric eel’s zap can transfer genes to nearby animals, study finds

A recent study has found that the electricity produced by an electric eel’s discharge is strong enough to cause the transfer of genetic material from the environment into the cells of nearby animals. The finding suggests that electric eels – and other electricity-generating organisms – could affect genetic modification in…

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Reducing variability in protein purification

In this article, Analytik Jena details what technology can make protein purification less variable and faster with the help of liquid-handling equipment. The CyBio FeliX and PhyTips® can conduct 96 targeted protein purifications in 120 minutes, requiring no hands-on time. These products are intended for drug discovery professionals in the…

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linux – MPI_Init_thread Error When Integrating LAMMPS and Parallel Python in Slurm Script

I am attempting to submit a Slurm script on my school’s clusters, aiming to perform LAMMPS calculations and post-processing with MPI-based parallel Python in a single script. However, I encountered an error. After experimenting, I have distilled the script to its minimal form that consistently triggers the error. my Slurm…

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Senior Bioinformatics Scientist – 127022

UCSD Layoff from Career Appointment: Apply by 12/08/2023 for consideration with preference for rehire. All layoff applicants should contact their Employment Advisor. Special Selection Applicants: Apply by 12/20/2023. Eligible Special Selection clients should contact their Disability Counselor for assistance. This position will work a hybrid schedule which includes a combination…

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scRNA data analysis , how to compare pattern in multiple samples

Hello Everyone . I am new to single cell data . in this path G:\RNA\sc\scdata I have 3 files Sample5D_barcodes Sample5D_features Sample5D_matrix.mtx I want to see cell clusters and differentially expressed genes for this single cell sample. I am running this command in R install.packages(c(“Seurat”, “ggplot2”, “Matrix”, “dplyr”)) library(Seurat) library(ggplot2)…

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What key technical adaptation to standard bulk RNAseq methods has enabled transcriptome profiling at the single-cell level?

How can transfer learning be used to cluster single-cell RNA-seq data across species and batch?5 answersTransfer learning can be used to cluster single-cell RNA-seq data across species and batch. SATURN is a deep learning method that learns universal cell embeddings by encoding genes’ biological properties using protein language models. By…

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A chromosome-level genome assembly for the Silkie chicken resolves complete sequences for key chicken metabolic, reproductive, and immunity genes

Friedman-Einat, M. & Seroussi, E. Avian leptin: bird’s-eye view of the evolution of vertebrate energy-balance control. Trends Endocrinol. Metab. 30, 819–832 (2019). Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar  International Chicken Genome Sequencing C. Sequence and comparative analysis of the chicken genome provide unique perspectives on vertebrate evolution. Nature 432, 695–716 (2004)….

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FLSHclust Algorithm Unlocks Secret Gene Modules

Using the novel algorithm FLSHclust, researchers have identified 188 rare and previously unknown CRISPR-linked gene modules, including a groundbreaking type VII CRISPR-Cas system. This discovery, made from an analysis of an extensive 8.8 terrabase pair database containing 8 billion proteins, highlights the untapped diversity of CRISPR systems. Researchers using the…

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Need to PrepSCTfindMarker again after subset if the original object has already been normalized?

Need to PrepSCTfindMarker again after subset if the original object has already been normalized? 0 Hi, I’ve got a seurat object of 2 samples integrated after QC and SCTv2. I then performed clustering and PrepSCTfindMarker followed by findMarker. These all went smoothly. Then I made a subset from 3 clusters,…

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