Tag: cRNA
Submit Microarray Data on geo without Cell files
Submit Microarray Data on geo without Cell files 0 I have Affymetrix microarray data. The organism is a mouse. Total RNA was used to generate cRNA, which was labeled with biotin according to techniques recommended by the CodeLink Expression Bioarray System (Amersham, UK). I don’t have cell files; I only…
Single-cell transcriptomics reveals the brain evolution of web-building spiders
Animals for single-cell sequencing Adult samples of the aerial web-building spider (Hylyphantes graminicola) were collected from Anci district, Langfang, Hebei, China (39° 31.90’ N, 116° 38.15’ E) between September and October 2020. Collected spiders used for brain dissection were housed individually in a glass tube (Φ12 mm × 80 mm) at temperature- and humidity-controlled condition (24–26 °C and 50–60%…
Embracing your CRNA Journey Part 2
Welcome to “The Mindful SRNA Podcast” – Your Companion on the Path to Becoming a CRNA Getting into and through CRNA school can often feel like an uphill battle, leaving you grappling with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and low self-confidence. But you don’t have to merely survive, You can thrive! Instead…
Bioinformatic Analysis of circRNAs in Human ASO
Introduction Arteriosclerosis obliterans (ASO) is a chronic disorder with atherosclerosis involving lower extremity arteries leading to arterial stenosis or occlusion. The incidence continues to increase with age, affecting about 202 million people worldwide to varying degree.1–3 Despite the proposed theories of lipid infiltration, arterial intimal injury, and chronic inflammation, the…
circRNA poster to be presented at the 30th European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT)
Oslo, Norway, 19 October 2023 – Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA) today announcesthat an abstract describing its circular RNA technology has been accepted forposter presentation at the 30th i European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy inBrussels, Belgium.The poster is scheduled for presentation 25-26 October 2023 and will beavailable on…
Circio: circRNA poster to be presented at the 30th European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy (ESGCT) -October 19, 2023 at 01:05 am EDT
Oslo, Norway, 19 October 2023 – Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA) today announces that an abstract describing its circular RNA technology has been accepted for poster presentation at the 30th iEuropean Society for Gene and Cell Therapy in Brussels, Belgium. The poster is scheduled for presentation 25-26 October 2023 and…
Plastid-localized xanthorhodopsin increases diatom biomass and ecosystem productivity in iron-limited surface oceans
Protein sequence and prediction analysis The amino acid sequence of FcR was deduced from the F. cylindrus genome sequence33. Protein alignments with characterized microbial rhodopsins were performed using the MUSCLE algorithm implemented in Geneious (v.5.6)69. Predictions of subcellular location were performed with SignalP v.4.0 and TargetP (v.1.1)70. Putative transmembrane domains…
P 005 All data in this figure are presented as mean SD n 3 Downloaded from
PAGE13OF 15Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, Vol. 51, No. 4e24 miR-21-5p, respectively. In both cases, the circRNA cir- cuit showed better performance of duration than the linear RNA circuit with m1(1.5- to 137-fold duration) after ap- proximately 96 h of RNA transfection (Figure6C and D), indicating that our circRNA circuits improved…
circRNA poster to be presented at the 15th international adenovirus meeting
Oslo, Norway, 25 September 2023 – Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA) today announcesthat an abstract describing its circular RNA platform has been accepted forposter presentation at the 15th international adenovirus meeting in Brac Island,Crotia.The abstract describes the development of Circio’s proprietary circAde vectorsystem for therapeutic protein expression. The abstract describes…
Identification and functional validation of SRC and RAPGEF1 as new direct targets of miR-203, involved in regulation of epidermal homeostasis
Keratinocyte and fibroblast cultures Normal human skin was obtained from surgical residues of breast reduction surgery, with the patients’ written informed consent in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration and with Article L. 1243-4 of the French Code of Public Health. Patients’ written informed consents were collected and kept by the…
Circio Holding ASA: First half 2023 results -Yesterday at 01:01 am| MarketScreener
Oslo, Norway, 24 August 2023 – Circio Holding ASA (OSE: CRNA),a biotechnology company developing novel circular RNA and immunotherapy medicines, today announces its first half 2023 results. Members of Circio’s executive management team will give an online presentation to investors, analysts and the press at 10:00 CET today (details below)….
python – Extracting viral host from Genbank record or Entrez query
When I look up this id record on NCBI … Let’s review that record: $ curl -i ‘’ … content-type: text/plain … FEATURES Location/Qualifiers source 1..1002 /organism=”Influenza A virus (A/Washington/27/2017(H3N2))” /mol_type=”viral cRNA” /strain=”A/Washington/27/2017″ /serotype=”H3N2″ /host=”Homo sapiens” … So we’re looking for Features –> Source –> Host. Now let’s switch to…
BTN3A3 evasion promotes the zoonotic potential of influenza A viruses
Lipsitch, M. et al. Viral factors in influenza pandemic risk assessment. eLife (2016). Afrache, H., Gouret, P., Ainouche, S., Pontarotti, P. & Olive, D. The butyrophilin (BTN) gene family: from milk fat to the regulation of the immune response. Immunogenetics 64, 781–794 (2012). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Ye,…
New Study Finds Circular RNA Can Cause DNA Mutations and Increase Cancer Risk
Scientists Discover New Relationship Between Cancer Risk and Circular RNA Scientists have discovered an important new relationship between a person’s cancer risk and the functions of circular RNA, a newly discovered family of genetic segments found inside our cells. A New Study by Flinders University A new study by Flinders…
Application Functional Genomics/Transgenic Applications Creation of gene knockouts Creation of knock-in animals or cell lines with promoters, fusion tags or reporters integrated into endogenous genes Features and Benefits HPLC-purified SygRNA™ Cas9 tracrRNA oligo is optimized for use with a target-specific cRNA and a source of SpCas9 protein for genome editing…
Targovax to rebrand as Circio, staking out position in emerging circRNA field
Norwegian biotech Targovax recently said it’s planning to rebrand as Circio, marking its shift from clinical stage immuno-oncology company to one focused on circular RNA (circRNA) therapeutics. The name change is subject to approval by Targovax’s shareholders, who are set to vote at the company’s annual general meeting on May…
Targovax announces plans to rebrand as Circio
Circio will focus on expediting the development of its innovative circular RNA (circRNA) platform. Credit: Herney Gómez from Pixabay. Targovax has unveiled plans to rebrand as Circio, reflecting its strategic shift to focus on expediting the development of its innovative circular RNA (circRNA) platform. Initially reported in 2011, CircRNA is…
Targovax to rebrand as Circio, an innovator in next generation circular RNA therapeutics
· The name Circio encapsulates the strategic shift to focus on the innovative, proprietary circular RNA (circRNA) platform · circRNA has the potential to outperform mRNA, and Circio’s pipeline is initially targeting cancer, with plans to rapidly expand into vaccines and gene therapy · International patent applications covering Circio’s vector…
CAR links hypoxia signaling to improved survival after myocardial infarction
Experimental design The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that CAR can improve cardiac function after MI by containing the lesion and improving remodeling. We used an in vivo loss-of-function approach with coronary artery ligation in inducible heart-specific CAR knockout mice. In a complementary gain-of-function approach, we…
Comprehensive Analysis of circRNA Expression Profiles in Human Brown Adipose Tissue
Introduction The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue is one of the leading factors of obesity.Citation1,Citation2 Adipose tissues are typed as white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT) and beige adipose tissue.Citation3 The primary function of WAT is storing triglyceride, while BAT, in contrast to WAT, dissipates the energy of…
The CRISPR/Cas9 syst…
The CRISPR/Cas9 system is made of Cas9 nuclease and single-guide RNA (sgRNA). The sgRNA is an engineered single RNA molecule containing crispr RNA and tracr RNA parts. The sgRNA recognizes the target sequence by standard Watson-Crick base pairing. It has to be followed by a DNA motif called a protospacer…
You Have 3 Chances To Interview For CRNA Then You Can No Longer Apply Rule With RRNA Ivan
Did you know that you only have three chances to interview for a CRNA school before you can no longer apply there? This interview limit was news to Ivan, but that didn’t stop him from giving up. He applied for a CRNA school in 2019, but his application went missing….