ESRP1 controls biogenesis and function of a large abundant multiexon circRNA | Nucleic Acids Research
Abstract While the majority of circRNAs are formed from infrequent back-splicing of exons from protein coding genes, some can be produced at quite high level and in a regulated manner. We describe the regulation, biogenesis and function of circDOCK1(2–27), a large, abundant circular RNA that is highly regulated during epithelial-mesenchymal…
GoM DE: interpreting structure in sequence count data with differential expression analysis allowing for grades of membership | Genome Biology
Models for single-cell ATAC-seq data In single-cell ATAC-seq data, \(x_{ij}\) is the number of unique reads mapping to peak or region j in cell i. Although \(x_{ij}\) can take non-negative integer values, it is common to “binarize” the accessibility data (e.g., [19, 74, 133,134,135]), meaning that \(x_{ij} = 1\) when…
homer motif search
homer motif search 0 I have used from HOMER to find motif, its output have many files including knownResults.html and homerResults.html. which output file should I consider for my downstream studies and what is difference between these two files? search motif HOMER • 23 views Login before adding your…
Assign gene to peak in bulk ATAC-seq
Assign gene to peak in bulk ATAC-seq 0 Hi all, I have some questions about bulk ATAC-seq that I don’t understand, hope that you can help. If we have a task to identify which genes in a sample (such as diseased) are in open chromatin region, is that using differential…
Help with an error with Homer
Help with an error with Homer 0 Hi all, I looked for this error but still don’t know why. Would you please have a suggestion? Thank you so much! homer_format hg38 MotifOutput/ -size 200 -mask -len 8 -preparsedDir preparsed_dir I got these files in the output folder: hg38r.200.cgbins hg38r.200.cgfreq…
Help to get differential_peaks.bed to use for
Help to get differential_peaks.bed to use for 0 Hi all, I am trying to use the command from HOMER that needs differential_peaks.bed file as input. I used nf-core/atac-seq then DiffBind but not sure how to get differential_peaks.bed file. Would you please have a suggestion? Do I need to…
problem with HOMER
Hi All, I did and ATAC-Seq experiment in different cell lines and I was curious to see if they have different motifs in the open chromatin. I was planning to use HOMER for this, but running from linux bash: ATAC_d001_peaks_called_with_homer.txt hg38 ATACAd001_FIND_MOTIF I got this message of error (see…
Identify binding motifs within large super enhancer region
Identify binding motifs within large super enhancer region 1 Hello, From my H3K27ac ChIP seq data, I have identified 500 super enhancer regions using Homer’s findPeaks -style super. From the super enhancer regions, I found 4 enriched binding motifs within the 500 super enhancer regions using Homer’s First, I…
How to find peaks with specific TFs identified by HOMER
How to find peaks with specific TFs identified by HOMER 1 Hi, I have attempted to utilize HOMER to identify peaks associated with specific transcription factors (TFs). I employed “” and “” to extract sequences linked to these TFs. In theory, the results obtained from both methods should be identical….
Can I use the summits.bed from MACS2 on HOMER
Can I use the summits.bed from MACS2 on HOMER 1 I understand that to run HOMER you need BED files, so could I use the BED output file from “macs2 callpeak” to run “”? Homer Macs callpeak bed • 40 views • link updated 2 hours ago by seidel 8.3k…
Problem with HOMER -find
Problem with HOMER -find <motif file> 0 I am trying to search for specific motifs in my set of promoters. It should be possible with the option -find *.motif I know that there are for sure some occurrences because I have found them with search function in Notepad. However HOMER…