Tag: kubectl

Deploying OpenAPI Helm Chart on AWS EKS

To deploy the OpenAPI Helm chart on AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), we’ll follow these steps: Create an EKS cluster. Configure Kubeconfig to interact with your cluster. Use the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to deploy the OpenAPI Helm chart using kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart. Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in…

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Jupyterhub z2jh ingress not working – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

bpfrd December 15, 2023, 6:54pm 1 Hi, I deployed z2jh on a single-node microk8s cluster on a server and it is supposed to be used in production. The problem is ingress address is missing. here is some details: # config.yaml ingress part ingress: annotations: kubernetes.io/tls-acme: “true” enabled: true hosts: -…

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Installing JupyterHub via Stackable Demo on K8s | by Alex McLintock | Dec, 2023

docs.stackable.tech/home/stable/demos/jupyterhub-pyspark-hdfs-anomaly-detection-taxi-data So, this is an article in an ongoing series where I investigate the deployment tools of Stackable.tech This firm supplies supported versions of many open source data engineering tools to easily build data platforms on Kubernetes (k8s) clusters. These can be on your own premises, in a data centre,…

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How does the cull values get used in the jupyerhub helm chart – JupyterHub

Shi_Jin December 12, 2023, 4:48am 1 First of all, everything is working and I am just puzzled at how it works. According to github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/blob/f11f8ea8ea857917f59b7f9a1b79a9570e21e622/jupyterhub/values.yaml#L653-L668, I am able to specify my own cull values like cull: timeout: 600 every: 60 users: true adminUsers: true And when I installed the jupyterhub helm…

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Sharing some data with each users. (creating symblink or bind mount) – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

Hello members. 1. Overview This configuration mounts NFS volumes on the following mount points. /home/jovyan /home/shared IIUC, A Z2JH user doesn’t access /home/shared by default.So, I want to create a symlink or bind mount point like /home/jovyan/shared.Does anyone know what configuration file I can set bind mount or symlink? singleuser:…

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JupyterHubSingleUser – Failed to connect to my Hub at – JupyterHub – Jupyter Community Forum

After updating the base notebook image to Quay (base-notebook:2023-10-31) getting these connection errors in single user server spawn. Earlier used version jupyter/base-notebook:2023-04-14 this working without any errors. (python3.10 version used in working docker image) Environment:Used helm chart version “3.0.3” to deploy the 4.0.2 version of application on AWS EKS Cluster….

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Building multi-tenant JupyterHub Platforms on Amazon EKS

Introduction In recent years, there’s been a remarkable surge in the adoption of Kubernetes for data analytics and machine learning (ML) workloads in the tech industry. This increase is underpinned by a growing recognition that Kubernetes offers a reliable and scalable infrastructure to handle these demanding computational workloads. Furthermore, a…

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Accessing a Google Storage Bucket mounted as a Persistent Volume – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

That’s good to know; probably means my error is somewhere in my config. I’ll try to dump the relevant settings. Output of kubectl get pod while starting a jupyterhub user server: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE continuous-image-puller-972b7 1/1 Running 0 24m continuous-image-puller-tz5ls 1/1 Running 0 26h gcs-fuse-csi-static-pvc 2/2 Running 0…

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Training NeMo Framework Models – NVIDIA Docs

You must prepare several datasets for the NeMo framework to use, depending on the type of model you are using. The Pile: NVIDIA provides utilities to download and prepare the Pile dataset. This dataset comprises 22 smaller datasets, blended by using the mix described in the paper The Pile:…

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Usage of the `singleuser.image.name` configuration – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

Hello, members. Does someone tell me how to how to specify a private image registry?(Usage of the singleuser.image.name configuration) 1. Environment Z2JH: 3.0.3 k8s: v1.27.4 OS: Ubuntu 22.04 2. Question Could you tell me how to specify a private image registry?(It it possible specify http instead of https?) Could you…

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How to fix `Exec /usr/local/bin/jupyterhub: exec format error`? – JupyterHub

I’m trying to deploy jupyterhub with helm. When I tried the default “k8s-hub:3.0.3” image hub: image: name: jupyterhub/k8s-hub tag: “3.0.3” It shows: File “<string>”, line 4, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘kubernetes’ I found a solution from this. I went on and created a custom hub based on this…

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Storage Configuration example on the on-prem – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

Hello, Members. 1. Overview I’m a newbie about Z2JH (and k8s). I installed Z2JH with the following command. As a result, the hub node shows the status PENDING. kubectl describe show the following message. 0/4 nodes are available: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims. preemption: 0/4 nodes are available: 4 No…

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schemaconv package – github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi/pkg/schemaconv – Go Packages

Discover Packages github.com/kubernetes/kube-openapi pkg schemaconv package Documentation Documentation ¶ This section is empty. This section is empty. ToSchema converts openapi definitions into a schema suitable for structured merge (i.e. kubectl apply v2). This section is empty. Source Files ¶ Click to show internal directories. Click to hide internal directories. Read…

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Two approaches to make your APIs more secure

When you think about making your microservice architecture more secure, would you know where to start? There are so many ways to begin securing a system that it quickly becomes overwhelming. This blog post introduces you to two approaches to minimize security exposure. It starts with documentation What does documentation…

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Senior Software Engineer/SRE – Artificial Intelligence Group

The Team: The AI Group is the central engineering group responsible for driving Machine Learning adoption at Bloomberg, with over 200 researchers and engineers working together to provide clients with the best-in-class news, research, market data, and analytics using innovative machine learning technology. We directly impact a wide variety of…

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[Proposal] SOAR-0001 Improved OpenAPI -> Swift name mapping – Development

I want to take a moment to offer a left-of-field suggestion. Rather than any automatic mapping to any pretty names, which, as folks have pointed out, will present some opportunity for conflicts, we could instead provide just the hex encoding—which is much less likely to conflict with other handwritten identifiers….

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Logs for jupyterhub-idle-culler in jupyterhub/k8s-hub:2.0.0 – JupyterHub

Hello,I am using jupyterhub/k8s-hub:2.0.0 container image which contains jupyterhub 3.0.0. I have cull service enabled but I cannot find the log files on what cull is doing. I scanned the Dockerfile of k8s-hub but cannot find anything there. If I understand this correctly, then idle-culler is using tornado to write…

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Jupyterhub on kubernetes, hub stuck on pending, no error in describe pod – JupyterHub

Used the following commands to install kubernetes and the jupyterhub 2.0.0 from helm chart:sudo snap install microk8s –classic –channel=1.27sudo usermod -a -G microk8s rootsudo chown -f –R root ~/.kubesudo usermod -a -G microk8s ziadminsudo chown -f -R ziadmin ~/.kubemicrok8s enable dnsmicrok8s enable hostpath-storagemicrok8s enable helm3microk8s enable metallb: systemctl enable iscsid.servicemicrok8s…

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kubebuilder enum results

Summary Kubebuilder provides a tool called controller-gen to generate utility code and Kubernetes object YAML, like CustomResourceDefinitions. 1 These CRDs support declarative validation using an OpenAPI v3 schema in the validation section 1 , and can be used to control the display of columns with kubectl get. 1 Additionally, Kubebuilder…

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Torchserve throws 400 `DownloadArchiveException` when the process does not have write access to model store folder

Hello. Recently I installed eks cluster with torchserve following the tutorial github.com/pytorch/serve/tree/master/kubernetes/EKS, but having troubles uploading a motel. When I try to upload a model via: curl -X POST “http://$HOST:8081/models?url=http%3A//” curl -X POST “http://$HOST:8081/models?url=” I am getting the following error: { “code”: 400, “type”: “DownloadArchiveException”, “message”: “Failed to download archive…

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Jupyerhub spawner failing with an exception: “Initial list of events failed” – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

I am installing jupyterhub on k8s cluster using the following instructions z2jh.jupyter.org Installing JupyterHub With a Kubernetes cluster cluster available and Helm installed, we can install JupyterHub in the Kubernetes cluster using the JupyterHub Helm chart. Initialize a Helm chart configuration file: Helm… Kubectl Client Version: v1.27.1Kubectl Server Version: v1.20.12helm…

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Kubernetes 1.27: Server Side Field Validation and OpenAPI V3 move to GA

Monday, April 24, 2023 Author: Jeffrey Ying (Google), Antoine Pelisse (Google) Before Kubernetes v1.8 (!), typos, mis-indentations or minor errors in YAMLs could have catastrophic consequences (e.g. a typo like forgetting the trailing s in replica: 1000 could cause an outage, because the value would be ignored and missing, forcing…

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SAP BTP, Kyma runtime k8s APIs with API Management

As depicted below, a kubernetes API server is at the heart of any kyma/k8s cluster. The API server exposes an HTTP API for pretty much every single k8s cluster object Whether using kubectl command line interface or a kubernetes client library, the communication is passing through the kubernetes API server…

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Set up a machine learning pipeline in this Kubeflow tutorial

You don’t have to use Kubernetes to power machine learning deployments. But if you do — and there are many reasons why you might want to — Kubeflow is the simplest and fastest way to get machine learning workloads up and running on Kubernetes. Kubeflow is an open source…

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r – How to add tolerations and affinity to rstudio/posit connect pod using helm chart?

I am deploying rstudio connect on kubernetes and unable to add tolerations from the helm chart. When I check kubectl describe pod rstudio-connect The following tolerations are shown. Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s Here is how I am applying the tolerations and affinity from the helm…

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kubernetes – how to run the external-IP in a K8s namespace (installing JupyterHub)

I am following the instructions here: z2jh.jupyter.org/en/stable/jupyterhub/installation.html to install locally with kubernetes and minikube a jupyter hub. Its almost done as can be seen in the pic the namespace is called k8s-namespace-jose I had to run the command: kubectl –namespace get service proxy-public –output jsonpath=”{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].ip}” In order to get the…

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Mobile cryptocurrency wallet API with Swagger/OpenAPI

A mobile backend project practising API-first development and API documentation with Swagger/OpenAPI using JHipster, Spring Boot, and Angular. Cryptocurrency API shown is Nxt, but later I added Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Stellar. Compartilhe esse Portfólio chesslover Quezon City, Philippines Sobre Mim 24 years senior developer experience, with the last 5 years…

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Recommendations on Dynamic PersistentVolumes on Newer AWS EKS Versions – Zero to JupyterHub on Kubernetes

Hello,I’ve been walking through z2jh documentation which is thorough and great! I set up an AWS EKS cluster with eksctl. I then helm install jupyterhub-2.0.0. The newer versions of EKS tend to use the EBS CSI driver for dynamic PersistentVolume provisioning using the annotation: volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-provisioner: kubernetes.io/aws-ebs Your older storage documentation…

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Authenticating via REST API – JupyterHub

Issue I am trying to use the hubs REST API from a custom UI and wanted to avoid using an API token and instead use the custom keycloak OAuth authenticator I have setup. Currently the authenticator works when using the provided hub UI, but I cannot figure out how to…

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