Tag: modelr
DESeq2 design with unbalance data and a multifactor design
Dear all, I am doing a DGEA with DESeq2 and data imported with tximport. I have an unbalanced dataset as reported below. With the counts and the metadata that I have I would like to answer different questions. I would like to look at the differential expressed genes between the…
DESeq2 with unbalanced dataset and multifactor design
Dear all, I am doing a DGEA with DESeq2 and data imported with tximport. I have an unbalanced dataset as reported below. With the counts and the metadata that I have I would like to answer different questions. I would like to look at the differential expressed genes between the…
Installing ‘tidyverse’ package for R/RStudio – General Help
With help from this forum, I was able to get R and RStudio working on Zorin 16 Lite. I now need to install the ‘tidyverse’ package for R, but attempting the install gives this error: $ sudo R (R starts up) > install.packages(“tidyverse”) Installing package into ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library’ (as ‘lib’ is…
Week 7: Code Along 6
Introduction Questions Variation Visualizing Distributions diamonds %>% ggplot(aes(x = cut)) + geom_bar() diamonds %>% ggplot(mapping = aes(x = carat)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5) diamonds %>% filter(carat < 3) %>% ggplot(aes(x = carat)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5) diamonds %>% ggplot(aes(x = carat, color = cut)) + geom_freqpoly() ## `stat_bin()` using `bins…
`MOFAobject@expectations` is empty list
`MOFAobject@expectations` is empty list 0 Hello I run the tutorial ( library(MOFA2) library(MOFAdata) library(data.table) library(ggplot2) library(tidyverse) utils::data(“CLL_data”) MOFAobject <- create_mofa(CLL_data) MOFAobject data_opts <- get_default_data_options(MOFAobject) model_opts <- get_default_model_options(MOFAobject) model_opts$num_factors <- 15 train_opts <- get_default_training_options(MOFAobject) train_opts$convergence_mode <- “slow” train_opts$seed <- 42 MOFAobject <- prepare_mofa(MOFAobject, data_options = data_opts, model_options = model_opts, training_options =…
lfcshrink error DESeq2
Hello! I’m having problems with lfcShrink in my DESeq2 workflow. I’m trying to do a differential expression analysis (with only one comparison term: “MULTIseq_ID_call2”) on my single-cell data. However when I do lfcShrink I get an error that I cannot interpret. Can you help me? dds <- DESeq(dds, test =…
How to extract proteins from PCs in plot_pca in DEP package?
How to extract proteins from PCs in plot_pca in DEP package? 1 I am using DEP package to analyze proteomics data. I did PCA for my samples (see the following plot) and wish to extract proteins in PC1 for further analysis. However, the objects x and y generated by the…
Unable to install clusterProfiler on Mac M1
Hi, I failed to install clusterProfiler on Mac M1. May I ask the solution >BiocManager::install(“clusterProfiler”) Bioconductor version 3.14 (BiocManager 1.30.19), R 4.1.3 (2022-03-10) Installing package(s) ‘clusterProfiler’ also installing the dependencies ‘fgsea’, ‘DOSE’, ‘enrichplot’, ‘GOSemSim’ Warning: unable to access index for repository cannot open URL ‘’ Warning: unable to access…
Error in SummarizedExperiment
I have installed DESeq2 version 1.36.0 samples <- colnames(txi$counts) group <- as.factor(c(“control”,”control”,”control”,”control”,”control”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”, “control”,”control”,”control”,”control”,”control”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”,”diet”)) coldata <- data.frame(samples, group, stringsAsFactors = F) coldata <- coldata[,c(“samples”,”group”)] coldata$samples <- factor(coldata$samples) coldata$group <- factor(coldata$group) rownames(coldata) <- sub(“fb”, “”, rownames(coldata)) all(rownames(coldata$samples) %in% colnames(txi)) all(rownames(coldata) == colnames(txi)) TRUE library(DESeq2) ddsTxi <- DESeqDataSetFromTximport(txi, colData = coldata, design =…
GDCprepare of RNAseq counts produces error
GDCprepare of RNAseq counts produces error 1 @76ac7b25 Last seen 12 minutes ago Canada Hello everyone! I have been using the TCGAbiolinks package for the last couple years to access RNAseq data for the TCGA-LAML project. Just very recently, I had noticed that I could no longer use GDCquery to…
Separate exogenous from endogenous transcripts using Salmon RNAseq DTU
Dear friends, We are trying to use Salmon for DTU analysis. We want to separate exogenous from endogenous transcripts by following this post and this paper We are focusing on a gene called ASCL1 (endo-ASCL1). We transduced cells with lentiviral vector containing ASCL1 ORF only (Lenti-ASCL1). There should…
GDCquery_Maf error
GDCquery_Maf error 0 @76e1237b Last seen 1 day ago Singapore Hi all, I really need some help. I am trying to run GDCquery_Maf which worked fine until yesterday. Now I get the following error: Error in GDCquery(paste0(“TCGA-“, tumor), data.category = “Simple Nucleotide Variation”, : Please set a valid workflow.type argument…
Pathway analysis of RNAseq data using goseq package
Hello, I have finished the RNA seq analysis and I am trying to perform some pathway analysis. I have used the gage package and I was looking online about another package called goseq that takes into account length bias. However, when I run the code I get an error. How…
r – ggplot2 running for minutes without plotting
I am attempting to plot the below vector, but when I run the function, it just continues to run and does not plot. I have waited 5 minutes before I feel uncomfortable and click stop in the console. Wondering what is going on. Up until this point I have had…
Finding the significance of the overlap between 2 or more gene sets using simulation in R.
TLDR: Example R function to calculate significance of overlap of 2 or more gene sets. genes_all is a vector that contains all genes, and gene_sets takes a list of vectors for each gene set. I encourage people to read the full tutorial and attempt to reproduce the code themselves (especially…