Tag: psiblast
Practical 6 Final 320 GENE – GENE 320 Practical 6 Advanced BLAST Start with a brief introduction
GENE 320 Practical 6 Advanced BLAST Start with a brief introduction [150 words] and aim of the practical. [5] An Introduction should have relevant information relating to the practical, including at least 2 in-text citations from scientific literature (3 marks). The aim/s should be clearly stated. (2 mark) The aim…
Am I correctly running psiblast (using a PSSM as query)?
Am I correctly running psiblast (using a PSSM as query)? 1 Hello, I am attempting to execute psiblast using multiple PSSMs as queries against a protein database of a specific strain. I previously conducted a blastP and found some results for my proteins of interest, but they were limited. Therefore,…
BLAST database name is missing. Please edit file to add the name.
Hi, I’m trying to install provean and use it on my local machine. I get the following error. error: BLAST database name is missing. Please edit file to add the name. I am configuring provean by this command line: ./configure –prefix=/home/elham123456/linux/provean-1.1.5 PSIBLAST=/home/elham123456/linux/provean-1.1.5/ncbi-blast-2.14.0+/bin/psiblast BLASTDBCMD=/home/elham123456/linux/provean-1.1.5/ncbi-blast-2.14.0+/bin/blastdbcmd CDHIT=/home/elham123456/linux/provean-1.1.5/cd-hit/bin/cd-hit BLAST_DB=/home/elham123456/linux/provean-1.1.5/nr_sep_2012/nr and it is my…
Ubuntu Manpage: Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneNCBIBlast – Object for the local execution of the NCBI BLAST
Provided by: libbio-perl-run-perl_1.7.3-8_all NAME Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneNCBIBlast – Object for the local execution of the NCBI BLAST program suite (blastall, blastpgp, bl2seq). With experimental support for NCBI rpsblast. SYNOPSIS # Do not use directly; see Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast DESCRIPTION See Bio::Tools::Run::StandAloneBlast FEEDBACK Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of…
How to get gene from PSIBLAST resuts
How to get gene from PSIBLAST resuts 1 Hello, I am currently utilizing the local version of PSIBLAST to search for homologous genes by comparing a protein sequence against a protein database. However, I am interested in obtaining the nucleotide sequence from the PSIBLAST results. Although I have access to…
Can the value in the pssm (pssm_acsii generated with psiblast) matrix can be greater than 10?
Can the value in the pssm (pssm_acsii generated with psiblast) matrix can be greater than 10? 0 Can the value in the pssm (pssm_acsii generated with psiblast) matrix can be greater than 10? I am reading a paper, and his source code of reading pssm_acsii.txt use only ones place of…
keep getting error with psiblast
keep getting error with psiblast 1 hello I am trying to calculate the PSSM but I keep getting error , where is the problem in this code ? import os import re def command_pssm(content, output_file,pssm_file): os.system(‘psiblast -in_msa 1ak4.fasta -db allseq.fasta -num_threads 10 -num_iterations 3 -evalue 0.001 -out output_file -out_ascii_pssm PSSM.txt’…