Tag: rust-bio
rust-htslib 0.44.1 –
This library provides HTSlib bindings and a high level Rust API for reading and writing BAM files. To clone this repository, issue $ git clone –recursive ensuring that the HTSlib submodule is fetched, too. If you only want to use the library, there is no need to clone the…
rust-bio-tools 0.35.0 –
rust-bio-tools-0.35.0 is not a library. A set of ultra fast and robust command line utilities for bioinformatics tasks based on Rust-Bio. Rust-Bio-Tools provides a command rbt, which currently supports the following operations: a linear time implementation for fuzzy matching of two vcf/bcf files (rbt vcf-match) a vcf/bcf to txt converter,…
a k-mer counter in Rust using the rust-bio and rayon crates
Tool:krust: a k-mer counter in Rust using the rust-bio and rayon crates 0 I hope this isn’t inappropriate as a Share a Tool post, it’s more about getting feedback on and seeing if anybody here is interested in this project: It’s a k-mer counter in written in Rust. I’ve…