Tag: samtool
Extracting chimeric reads from mapping
Hello, I am struggling to processing and analyse bam files (from bwa alignment), to extracting the chimeric read alignment. I am aligning human cell line RNA-seq data (paired end) to virus, aimed to find the viral integration sites in the genome. For that, after reading a bit here from following…
Calculating Average Coverage or Read Depth for a Sequence (WES)
Calculating Average Coverage or Read Depth for a Sequence (WES) 0 Hi, I might as well ask this community as well just to be certain Background: I mapped my reads to reference genome, then used SAM tool flagstat and SAM tool stats. Felt like using both but at the same…
failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve. PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels: 1 I am trying to install samtools on my environment bioconda with this command: bioconda install samtool I get this error: Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying…
Chipseq data peak calling issue
Hi , I’m trying to do analysis of chipseq data . I have 3 samples Sample1 , sample2 and input I have done QC and then alignment using Bowtie . After that I used samtool to get bam files . Then I have used Picard for duplicate removal. Now I…
Problem generating a .vcf after upgrade of samtools and bcftools
Problem generating a .vcf after upgrade of samtools and bcftools 1 Hi I used to go over candidate sites of variation using SAMtools mpileup after which I used to execute some evaluations of the data using BCFtools. In general I used to provide the reference fasta genome and use the…
Filteration of uniquely mapped reads
Filteration of uniquely mapped reads 2 Hello I have BAM-full file with reads mapped to “human and mouse” chromosome file. Now I would like to extract reads mapped only to “mouse” (means not mapped to human chromosome”. This is the protocol I am using : From BAM-full, extract reads mapped…
[SOLVED] changing the order of input changes samtools merge ouput
I realized that this is a stupid mistake I have made. Since samtools do not overwrite the files by default, the output that I get from samtools merge output.bam f2.bam f1.bam wan’t what I thought it was below is my original post ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I’m using samtool/1.9.0 and I’m trying to…
Disappearing CB, the bam tag after samtools sort -t CB
I’ve been trying to setup an analysis pipline for RNAvelocity in AWS EC2. I used one of the 10x dataset, 10k Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from a healthy donor, Single Indexed, as a test model to setup the pipeline. For speed and cost saving, I first used samtools…